Last week a Judge in Illinois declared their requirement that registered citizens register all internet sites a registrant uses to be unconstitutional. The judge, in his opinion, quoted an earlier Nebraska federal court decision on the same issue, which held that ordering a sex offender to report all access to Internet sites “clearly chills offenders from engaging in expressive activity that is otherwise perfectly proper”

Registration requirements that mandate the disclosure of “internet identifiers” have been knocked out in several states including Indiana, Michigan, California and the above two. It’s time we challenged it in Florida.

Our legal committee has drafted a complaint. FAC will be an institutional Plaintiff, as our members collectively have standing, but we are also looking for members who are interested and willing to be individual plaintiffs (to be our “John Does”).

If you are (a) no longer on probation/parole, (b) committed an offense prior to the passage of the restriction in 2014, (c) use the internet for work, to communicate with friends/family, to post on news sites, blogs, FAC’s forum, or the million other perfectly legal reasons that 99.9% of registrants use the internet daily for and (d) are interested and committed to participating in this lawsuit, please send an email to [email protected]



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