After learning that Seminole County has a similar “no go” law to Brevard’s, we started to look into how arduous this law really is.

Attached are two documents that were provided to us by a member in Seminole County (thank you for these). The first is the Seminole County ordinance and the second is a map that is given to registrants.

Think of this challenge as a game… The ordinance is the instruction sheet and the map is your game board.

Per the instruction sheet; “You may not travel through or remain within a 1000 foot buffer zone surrounding any school, daycare center, park or playground”

Now here is the challenge….

Try to make it across Seminole County without committing a misdemeanor.


That’s it… that’s the game. Start on any corner you like and with a pencil, trace a path (as many twists and turns as you like) from that corner to the opposite corner without traveling through any of the shaded buffer areas.

Difficult, right?

Now let’s make it more difficult…  On the bottom of the map you’ll see it says; “**This map does not include exclusionary zones surrounding playgrounds.**”  That’s a fun twist, right?

Think of it like hidden land mines. As you trace your pencil between the colored dots a playground might just appear and BOOM! That’s a misdemeanor!

That’s OK. it’s less than a year in jail. You’ll eventually find another job if you’re lucky.

Anyhow, for purposes of our game, we’ll pretend there are no playgrounds and the roads actually travel in the direction of the lines you draw.

So below is a link to the instruction sheet and the map.  Oh, and Good luck! You’ll need it.






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