“So… nothing illegal or wrong happened in this incident. Everyone over-reacted and jumped to conclusions. The word sex offender was uttered and everyone lost their minds. In the end, nobody was charged with any kind of crime. I called it this way from the start”

That was a comment posted under a story about a Michigan registered citizen who did a favor and gave his friend and her daughter a ride to her mom’s house in Florida. The title to the story that appeared on MLive was, “Sex offender says he didn’t harm 7-year-old girl he drove to Florida”.  Not “man says he didn’t harm…” or “girl found safe and sound”, but “Sex offender says he didn’t harm 7-year-old…”

The real victim in this story is the registrant, whose offense dates back to 1992 (24 years ago), but for the last couple of days his name has been plastered all over the news, accused, with calls for his death by commenters. All because of his “status” as a registrant.

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