Hi folks,

Gayle and Rich


Sarah and Rich

I wanted to be sure to say to all of you how much this past weekend meant to me.   I learned much about the “movement” (good and bad) and came back renewed and motivated in the continuation of this important work.  Most importantly I got to meet all of you face to face and how awesome was that??   Joe became my hang out buddy at the conference and since I basically knew no one, that made things easier, so I really appreciated that.  I did leave early after being apprised of the actual rule (2 nights and leave) and was further motivated after talking to a guy (I cannot remember his name) that according to everything he has researched on the topic the “triggering event” when visiting Florida is when your ID is scanned at security check in at the airport.  So, I packed up, took an Uber to the airport, rented a car to Stuart/Martin County, and drove all night.  When I got there, I cried.   It was an incredible moment seeing my childhood home and my dad again after 14 years.   I also spent the night with an old friend and it was a magical time.   But soon my time was up so off I went to the Palm Beach airport at 4pm.

Leaving early, however, made me miss Gail’s award and I was sorry to miss that.  Congratulations Gail!  Hopefully they will post a video.  So, thank you all for being so welcoming and wonderful. 

I do want to tell you all that I learned something very important about myself and discovered yet another devastating effect of the registry. I realized, especially since my mother died, that I have become a total hermit and have basically disengaged from any and all social interactions with other human beings. Suddenly being around people practically overwhelmed me.   Being befriended by strangers after a decade of having nobody around but my mother and aunt was like tasting chocolate for the first time and then later feeling like a lonely puppy looking for a home – pathetic because that is not the regular me.   I grew up with lots of friends, comfortable being the class clown.   It seems the registry has made me fearful of meeting new people, dating or even singing in church like I used to.   It has robbed me of my good reputation but has also made it impossible to build a new one.   This is not punitive, it is cruel!   It ruins a persons’ soul.   Social isolation causes all kinds of issues: suicidal ideation, depression, sleep issues, low self esteem, addiction, obesity, intense loneliness, the list goes on and on.   I came to Atlanta unaware that this indeed has happened to me, that by moving, yes, I have been relieved of registering in New Mexico but I came here knowing nobody and still do not.   I realized that if I am going to be happy in this life, I must still do things to put myself around people.  So, I left Atlanta grateful to learn this about myself and will be taking steps to learn what I can do to change it.  I am a victim of this horrible scheme but I cannot just give up and do nothing, waiting for relief.   Life is happening now and it can be good even when the government is trying its hardest to ruin me.

Seeing you all made me feel alive and I cannot wait to do it again!

To new friends,

Rich, FAC YouTube manager


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