FAC Members Speaking at Delegation Meetings

Many of our members have already spoken at a delegation meeting or will be soon speaking at one of the upcoming meetings.  Members are either reading one of our prepared speeches or writing their own. A legislator has responded to one of our members who spoke on the...

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Vigilantism and the Sex Offender Registry

By Sandy Rozek and John Dawe   Vigilantes do not care how an individual landed on the registry.  Rozek and Dawe say, “The most concerning factor…is that a segment of the community views these vigilantes as heroes.”  The comments section of online articles about...

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NARSOL: Call To Action

Dear Friends, As you may know, PARSOL is the Pennsylvania state affiliate of the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL).  Earlier today, NARSOL released the following information, and we are strongly asking you to take action as the proposed...

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ACLU: Retroactive Sex Offender Registration Law

“For over a decade, the ACLU of Michigan has been challenging Michigan’s sex offender registration law which has barred people with past offenses from living and working in large portions of the state, and has subjected them to ongoing supervision and reporting...

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Ex Post Facto – Sustainer 2024

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Text Registration Reminders

Get reminded to register on your months via SMS text messages. Just text "START" to 727-233-4785 to begin -OR- click HERE for more details and a flyer which can be printed and shared with others.

No warranty or liability implied. It is always YOUR responsibility to register. Intended as a backup reminder. Service provided free as a courtesy. Standard text message rates may apply.

In-Person Reporting Challenge (FUNDED)

The goal of this legal challenge is to eliminate or significantly reduce the requirement to physically report (in-person) to the Sheriff's office.

General Fund 2024

Thank you for your contributions to the General Operating and Membership Fund. FAC does not receive grants or funding as a 501c4 organization. Each dollar received is needed to cover the costs of communications, membership meetings, mailings, conference attendance, professional organization fees, supplies, printing, and postage. Our goal is to reach every registered citizen in FL, and have a seat at every possible table to let our voices be heard. This is a non-profit organization; the more we can raise, the more work we can do, and the more places we can be. No one in the organization is paid for their time and service.

Non-Registrant Collateral Consequences Challenge

This lawsuit will challenge the registration requirements imposed on people not on the registry! It will be brought on behalf of registrants' family, friends, employers and others who are impacted by the registry by virtue of living with, employing, or even sharing the same family name as a registrant. Plaintiffs will be spouses who have their vehicles registered and flagged, children who can't have a parent watch them graduate or perform in a school play, roommates who are prevented from decorating their home for the holidays, and others.

Out of State Challenge

The goal of this legal challenge is to remove anyone on the registry who is not currently residing in the Florida community.
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