Advocacy News
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Blogs with News Stories on Sex Offender Issues:
NARSOL: Call To Action
Dear Friends, As you may know, PARSOL is the Pennsylvania state affiliate of the National Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL). Earlier today, NARSOL released the following information, and we are strongly asking you to take action as the proposed...
ACLU: Retroactive Sex Offender Registration Law
“For over a decade, the ACLU of Michigan has been challenging Michigan’s sex offender registration law which has barred people with past offenses from living and working in large portions of the state, and has subjected them to ongoing supervision and reporting...
Innocent individuals charged a second time for voter fraud
Two years ago, nearly two dozen individuals with a past felony were arrested by Florida’s Election Police and accused of voting illegally. The charges were eventually dropped but now these same people have been charged again because of an appeals court decision. ...
Duval Co Legislative Delegation Meeting
FAC members recently participated in the Duval County Delegation meeting on Friday, November 15, the first such delegation meeting this year where we had members speaking on behalf of persons forced to register and their family members. For our first two speakers, the...
HB 1235 further tightens regulations
Florida HB 1235 further tightened the regulations for persons forced to register. HB 1235 was passed on the pretense of making Florida statutes 775.21 and 943.0435 less vague....
Pennsylvania attorney questions effectiveness of registry
Aaron Marcus, an attorney “who has done extensive work in the field of sex offense registries and laws” says that “he is critical of them.” (LNP LancasterOnline, “Megan’s Law site lets people search for offenders, but some question effectiveness,” by Dan Nephin,...
One-sided coverage of homeless persons forced to register in Georgia
When this story first aired at another site, I could not post it because it treated human beings as a disposable commodity. But seeing it at another site has prompted me into wanting to contact the reporter in hopes of bringing back some form of human dignity to news...
So many resources wasted throughout the U.S.
Each October law enforcement officials increase their number of random checks on people forced to register as a sex offender. Then come the press releases informing the public that children will now be safer during their Halloween activities. While there is no...
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