Updated: 5/1/2021
CS/SB 234 | Registration of Sexual Predators and Sexual Offenders | Book | 4/27/2021 Senate – Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 738 | NONE- Book redefines “sexual offender” to close “loophole” that allowed ONE person to evade registration. |
RELATED BILLS (3) HB 193, SB 126, AND SB 162 | Updated 5/1/2021 | |||
HB 193 | Sexual Offender Registration | Clemons/Chaney | 4/13/2021 House – Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/SB 234 | FAIL- Registration required even if all fines/fees not paid. |
SB 126 | Sexual Offender Registration | Hutson | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 46 | FAIL- Redefines the term “sexual offender” and equates it to “released upon conviction.” |
SB 162 | Sexual Offender Registration | Perry | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 49 | FAIL- Registration required even if all fines/fees not paid. |
CS/SB 932 | Parenting and Time-sharing of a Minor Child for a Convicted Parent | Wright | 4/14/2021 Senate – Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 141 -SJ 440 | SEE HB 141- Registrants now denied time-shared custody of their children. |
HB 141 | Parenting and Time-sharing of a Minor Child for a Convicted Parent | Leek | 4/14/2021 House – Ordered enrolled | DRASTIC- Registrants now denied time-shared custody of their children. Effective July 1, 2021 |
CS/SB 522 | Vacation Rentals | Diaz | 4/21/2021 Senate – Rules Committee -Temporarily Postponed | FAIL- Requires reporting of stays at vacation rentals over 24 hours. |
RELATED BILLS (3) HB 219, SB 1988, AND HB 1481 | ||||
CS/HB 219 | Vacation Rentals | Fischer | 3/22/2021 House – Ways & Means Temporarily Postponed | FAIL- Requires reporting of stays at vacation rentals over 24 hours. |
SB 1988 | Vacation Rentals | Pizzo | 3/10/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 222 | FAIL- Regulations & licensing of vacation rentals |
HB 1481 | Vacation Rentals | Goff-Marcil | 3/5/2021 House – Now in Regulatory Reform Subcommittee | FAIL- Regulations & licensing of vacation rentals |
CS/SB 232 | Criminal Justice | Brandes | 3/2/2021 Senate – CS by Criminal Justice read 1st time -SJ 167 | FAIL- Creates conditional medical [registrants not excluded] and age [registrants excluded] release programs. |
RELATED BILLS (3) SB 246, SB 248, AND HB 1545 | ||||
SB 246 | Public Meetings and Records/Conditional Aging Release Program | Brandes | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 55 | FAIL- Public meeting and records exemptions |
SB 248 | Public Meetings and Records/Conditional Medical Release Program | Brandes | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 55 | FAIL- Public meeting and records exemptions |
HB 1545 | Criminal Justice | Hart | 3/5/2021 House – Now in Criminal Justice | FAIL- Creates conditional medical [registrants not excluded] and age [registrants excluded] release programs. |
SB 946 | Statute of Limitations for Sexual Offenses | Book | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced | FAIL- Eliminates the statute of limitations period for civil actions for ALL sexual offenses |
HB 23 | Statute of Limitations for Sexual Offenses | Gottlieb/Joseph | 3/2/2021 House – 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) | FAIL- Eliminates the statute of limitations period for civil actions for ALL sexual offenses |
SB 798 | Voting Rights Restoration | Taddeo | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced | FAIL- Fines/fees may be waved for convicted felons, but not to murderers or “sex offenders” |
HB 741 | Voting Rights Restoration | Chambliss | 3/2/2021 House – 1st Reading (Original Filed Version) | FAIL- Fines/fees may be waved for convicted felons, but not to murderers or “sex offenders” |
HB 395 | Reductions of Criminal Sentences | Grieco | 2/24/2021 House – Withdrawn prior to introduction | FAIL- Sentence may be reduced for Offenders with no Sexual Battery convictions, but not for any Predators |
SB 1234 | False Reports of Crimes | Boyd | 4/21/2021 Senate – Laid on Table, refer to CS/HB 371 -SJ 528 | SEE HB 371- Penalties range form 1st degree misdemeanor to 1st degree felony [if cause death of accused] |
HB 371 | False Reports of Crimes | Brannan | 4/29/2021 House – Ordered engrossed, enrolled. Messaged Senate. | HELPS- Penalties range form 1st degree misdemeanor to 1st degree felony [if cause death of accused] |
SB 410 | Materials Harmful to Minors | Rodriguez | 4/26/2021 Senate – Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/HB 545 -SJ 692 | SEE HB 545- BILL GUTTED CHANGE 1 REMOVES ALL REFERENCES OR CHANGES TO DEFINITION OF CP |
HB 545 | Reproductive Health and Disease Education | Chaney | 4/26/2021 House – Ordered enrolled | NONE- BILL GUTTED AND RETITLED CHANGE 1 REMOVES ALL REFERENCES OR CHANGES TO DEFINITION OF CP |
SJR 854 | Minimum Wage Rate | Brandes | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced | FAIL- Raises Floriduh’s minimum wage to $10/hr, but not for convicted felons |
HJR 1485 | Minimum Wage Rate | Gregory | 3/5/2021 House – Now in Regulatory Reform Subcommittee | FAIL- Raises Floriduh’s minimum wage to $10/hr, but not for convicted felons |
SB 1462 | Lewd or Lascivious Exhibition | Stewart | 3/2/2021 Senate – Referred to Criminal Justice; Judiciary; Rules | FAIL- L&L to include “in the victim’s immediate vicinity, irrespective of whether the victim is aware of the conduct” |
SB 1534 | Sexual Battery | Book | 3/2/2021 Senate – Referred to Health Policy | FAIL- Consent may be withdrawn after given. “Sexual battery” includes … ejaculating on another person’s clothing |
SB 96 | Child Welfare | Book | 4/28/2021 Senate – Ordered engrossed, then enrolled -SJ 839 | NONE- 4/26 Strike All Amendment removed CP and bestiality language |
HB 7039 | Child Welfare | Altman | 4/27/2021 House – Laid on Table, refer to CS/CS/SB 96 | SEE SB 96- Revises provisions relating to child welfare |
SB 1646 | Background Screening | Powell | 3/10/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 193 | FAIL- Prohibits discrimination against former felons in job application process |
RELATED BILLS (2) HB 1331 AND SB 1026 | ||||
HB 1331 | Conviction History of an Applicant for Employment | Casello | 3/5/2021 House – Now in Regulatory Reform Subcommittee | FAIL- Prohibits discrimination against former felons in job application process |
SB 1026 | Background Screening | Bracy | 3/2/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 109 | FAIL- Inmate Labour |
SB 1784 | Lewd Adult Battery | Cruz/Book | 3/10/2021 Senate – Introduced -SJ 202 | FAIL- Makes the unwanted touching clothed/unclothed breasts, genital area, or buttocks of an adult a 3rd degree felony |
HB 1397 | Lewd or Lascivious Acts with Minors | Brannan | 4/9/2021 House – Now in Appropriations Committee | FAIL- Touching [UN]clothed breasts, genitals, or buttocks OR reciprocal of a 16-17yo by a 24yo now a 3RD degree felony |