Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Announces Temporary Closures
Whenever someone establishes a temporary, permanent or transient address in Florida they are required to report IN PERSON to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Today, the DHSMV announced they will be closing their offices. We will update when the FDLE advises what registrants are required to do in order to comply when compliance is impossible.
***Due to COVID-19, beginning Thursday, March 19 through Sunday, April 19 all of our FLHSMV offices will be closed to the public. We will continue to provide services online at GoRenew.com, by telephone and email. For information on tax collectors or license plate agents, please visit their respective websites.***
SOURCE: https://www.flhsmv.gov/locations/temporary-office-closures/
I’ve been telling you all this for YEARS now and its FINALLY here. I was dismissed and called crazy. Ladies and gentlemen, you are now seeing the climax of what our evil governmental system has planned for us. I didn’t expect a worldwide “virus”to be the catalyst but that is what they are doing to collapse our nation and way of life and most of all, our freedoms! And if any of you actually believe this is all gonna be over a month from now and life will be “normal” , you’re an idiot. Straight up. I just got word from my sister whose husband’s cousin is a state trooper with FHP, that state lines will be CLOSED for 14 days. Only food, gas and other essential trucks will go in and out. She told him go buy 10 days worth of food. EVERYTHING WILL BE SHUT DOWN!!!! A National shutdown people! Go get food. Go get gas. Get as much CASH out of the bank as you can. This came straight from a state trooper!! FAC is going to have a coronary, but I don’t care. At this point guys, Fk compliance. Fk registration. Right now, it’s all about SURVIVAL for YOU and your family!! Do whatever it takes for YOU to make it. It’s over people. Just get used to it. The government is about to take total control of your life. And you can either bend over and take it (thank you sir, may I please have another), or you can fight for you and your families and your freedom. I mean , they are shutting down our whole way of life for 2 weeks. And even then, there not gonna return things back to “normal” quickly. Once you get total control, you dont release it willingly. So, I’m choosing to fight for me and my family. If you wanna keep complying. go right ahead….the Jews in Europe kept complying until they complied there way right into a gas chamber….the fema camps and coffins are ready for us. They knew this virus was gonna be released, and now they’re ready dead or alive into captivity. Please. Please wake up yall. Please! God bless and be with you all! JESUS is the only answer for not just this whole situation. but for your personal life as well. Believe what you want, but it’s the truth for ME.