Freedom for All People
FAC Weekly Update 2023-07-04
Dear Members and Advocates,
Today we celebrate Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July. It holds significant historical and cultural importance in the United States, serving as a reminder of the country’s founding principles of liberty, equality, and self-governance. It is a day of celebration, unity, and remembrance, as Americans come together to honor their heritage and the ongoing pursuit of freedom. That is the message today; Freedom is not “one and done”, instead it requires an ongoing effort to regain and retain our freedom.
The notion of freedom for all people encompasses various dimensions:
- Civil and Political Rights: This includes the right to life, liberty, and security of person, freedom of expression, assembly, association, and religion, as well as the right to participate in the political process, such as through free and fair elections. It involves ensuring equal treatment under the law and protecting individuals from arbitrary detention or cruel and inhumane treatment.
- Social and Economic Rights: These rights encompass access to education, healthcare, housing, food, and a decent standard of living. It involves creating conditions where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive and where poverty, inequality, and discrimination are addressed.
- Equality and Non-Discrimination: Freedom for all people requires the elimination of discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other characteristic. It entails creating inclusive societies where everyone is treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.
- Freedom from Oppression and Violence: This aspect of freedom involves protecting individuals from systemic oppression, violence, and abuse. It includes combating racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, and any form of discrimination or prejudice that limits individuals’ ability to fully participate in society.
- Access to Justice: Ensuring access to a fair and impartial legal system is essential for freedom. It involves guaranteeing that all individuals, regardless of their socio-economic status, have equal access to legal representation and a fair trial. It also includes addressing systemic issues within the criminal justice system and promoting restorative justice practices.
- Cultural and Individual Autonomy: Freedom for all people encompasses respecting individual choices, beliefs, and cultural diversity. It recognizes the importance of preserving and celebrating different cultures, traditions, and identities while promoting mutual understanding and cooperation.
Achieving freedom for all people requires the active promotion and protection of human rights, the implementation of inclusive policies and legislation, and the cultivation of a culture that values diversity and equality. It necessitates collective efforts from governments, civil society organizations, communities, and individuals to challenge and dismantle oppressive structures, promote social justice, and create an environment where everyone can live a life of freedom and fulfillment.
Florida Action Committee (FAC) plays a role in each of these dimensions. Our communication with the office of Human Rights at the United Nations has gained national awareness about the cruelty of the registry, and our public petition is approaching 6,000 signatures. FAC tries to take a seat at every table we can find to ensure we are INCLUDED in services for housing, employment, healthcare and more. FAC attends every professional conference possible to ensure we have a voice in the policy and procedures that impact our community. Are we there yet? NO, but FAC will continue to seek access to opportunities in the ongoing pursuit to regain and retain our freedoms as Americans.
Freedom for all people refers to the concept of ensuring that all individuals have the fundamental rights and liberties necessary to live their lives with autonomy, dignity, and equality. It is the idea that every person, regardless of their background, race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic, should be able to exercise their rights and pursue their aspirations without unjust constraints or discrimination.
We encourage you to take one step this year to help in this ongoing pursuit of freedom. Talk to your Legislator or community leaders and ask them: What are you doing to protect the rights of all people without unjust constraints or discrimination? What are you doing to dismantle oppressive systems and structures? What are you doing to create an environment where everyone can live a life of freedom and fulfillment? Just what are they doing, and what are you doing, in this ongoing pursuit of freedom?
Join us for the Monthly Membership call this Thursday July 6 when we will continue the discussion on Freedom for All, or plan to attend a Meet and Greet in your area to learn more and get involved.
The Florida Action Committee (FAC)
Monthly Membership Call – Thu July 6 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. Topic: The Pursuit of Freedom. What does Freedom mean to you? How are you pursuing your freedom? What is our common message to legislators and decision makers? If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.
New Member Orientation Call – Thu July 13 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. NO Agenda. Call in to learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities, where to find support, get resources and referrals, or just share information. If you have any problem connecting for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.
Family Support Group – Sat July 8 from 11am-1pm. By Invitation only for non-registered family members with loved ones on the Registry. Must be an FAC member. To participate, contact or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.
Women’s Group for WFR [Women Forced to Register]. For details and more information, contact Danell at or leave message at 772-494-1947.
Sat Jul 22 -Okeechobee, Time TBD. RSVP to Dessie at or call 772-226-0304
Sat Jul 22 -Charlotte, noon-3pm. RSVP to John at or call 239-240-6856.
Sat Jul 29 -Apopka, noon-3pm. RSVP to Anita at or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.
Sun Jul 30 – Hernando County – 2-4pm RSVP to Joel at or call 352-606-0187
Sat Aug 5-Clearwater – 1-3pm -RSVP to Barbara at or call 217-218-2749.
Sat Aug 12-Citrus County-2-5pm RSVP to or leave message at 833-273-7325 Option 1.
Sat Aug 19-Highlands County- 11am-2pm RSVP to Morris at or leave message at 863-256-3026
Support Staff Needed- If you have some time and want to be more involved, email or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.
Staff Writers are needed for articles, posts and Weekly Updates. If you have a story, article or topic of interest to share, please submit it to
Membership Communications – Return phone calls and emails from members seeking information. Training provided.
PenPal Communications – Respond to letters from inmates seeking information and support. Training provided.
With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Volunteer Today!
Florida Action Committee
It’s only freedom for some, not all. Famous people with money to pay for high dollar lawyers get plea deals in child porn cases that won’t require any prison time or sex offender registration requirements. See
Sounds good freedom for all that’s my motto. It’s always difficult to believe sex offenders have these freedoms any more.some would say do the crime do the time. As a sex offender that time never ends. For obvious reasons we don’t need to state. God Bless