“Please print a balanced piece,” NARSOL asks WKRC—and they did!

By Sandy Rozek

First published at narsol.org

Sandy at NARSOL reported that on “February 12, WKRC, Cincinnati, aired and ran a piece by David Winter about what they imply is a failure to protect children based on law enforcement’s handling of residence restriction laws for people with a historic sexual offense conviction.”  

As a result, Sandy wrote the director of WKRC, sharing our affiliates’ concerns.  The director listened.

Thank you, Sandy and NARSOL.


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5 thoughts on ““Please print a balanced piece,” NARSOL asks WKRC—and they did!

  • March 1, 2024

    Conservative and moral views differ. Are many incompetent today in the American Justice system? Being incompetent can hold different meanings as views of the people or by the people. Who can judge their left hand from their right today? Sure balancing is good if the balance doesn’t put harm or stress upon another or should we all say judge not or one shall be judged.

    So what are the people on the sex registry searching for. True & simple Justice and understanding. Are plea deals a shadow for many. One can never have Justice without basic understanding of truth in many of these registry issues. Who rewrites truth today?

    Sure many can write articles or strive to get the article corrected or “balanced” in some way to justify but who is doing the damage on many with this robot type justice system we all have today. True justice doesn’t set people up but calls them out.

  • February 23, 2024

    Derek is right about those that re-offend but in the end who is balancing justice. Seems like man’s logic and wisdom is balancing much of this registry with their sudo unjust means that are.

    Mankind has always wanted to be a bit above the other person. So where is true justice today in American Government and this little girl lost ruse they call the sex registry. Their is no justice in setting up another or holding them in prison for unjust reasons.

  • February 22, 2024

    Local 12 responded:

    “Our prisons are full of people who have re-offended.”

    My definition of balanced must be different than that of my contemporaries.

  • February 19, 2024

    A balanced piece? Most all of these sex stings operations are based on assumption. Who can base anything on a crime of presumption? Its like a cat’s cradle or a false type of a sudo-type system of Justice. Very unjust for many.

  • February 19, 2024

    From the network response,
    “But in Norwood, where restrictions are tougher than those mandated by state law, the assistant law director said you can’t measure crimes avoided.”
    That person should be fired just based on the stupidity of that statement. These laws have not existed forever and a simple comparison of before/after shows a laws effectiveness. This is the approach on many of the studies done on SORNA laws with most showing they make absolutely no difference.


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