Public Information & Your Identity

“In 2009 I asked the FDLE why my Flyer was popping up first on the list on a Google search? My question turned into a inquiry by the FDLE asking Google the same question. The FDLE ended up quoting Florida’s Sunshine Law: which allows for Criminal Information on anyone in Florida convicted or not to be sent out over the World Wide Web. Google states that their database simply retrieves information on Individuals in order of the significance and relevancy of the information of that person’s identity.

“But why is my Flyer on the top of the list, I asked again? The Asst’ Commissioner of FDLE called to tell me that they believe it to be when someone clicks on to retrieve that information, analytically speaking then it rises to the top of the list. When I asked Google the same thing, they said… its all based on how significant the information is. “Is there any way to get Google to remove my name? No says both FDLE and Google unless I’m removed from the FDLE RSOL. Can I be assured that my name is not cached somewhere and will continue to be listed even after removal from the List? Google reports that dead links are often listed but continuation of updated relevant information will make the changes on your links happen. National SO Registry’s often use outdated information but they link to your Official FDLE Flyer so they should be dead links as well. Google does have a legal responsibility here and will do everything they can to protect you from dissemination of false or outdated criminal information.

I’m mentioning a Google Search here first because that is the Number One way a person finds out about another person less a National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and a Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC) official inquiry. You can request a FDLE Search of your background by calling 850-410-7898 (FDLE Quality Control) They will send you a packet for free but you must go to your local police station to be fingerprinted and depending on the County in Florida you live, fees may apply. Then you send the packet back to the FDLE. This is important to do to protect yourself from mis-information, background checks that recover old and false convictions etc. If you find information that is not correct, then you contact FDLE and supply them with your Court Documents, Sentencing Paperwork etc. Many times in my case, I have found different information when it comes to The Florida Department of Corrections (DOC) and FDLE. To prove this system works, I have had information on my Flyer relative to my crime removed and updated throughout the years.

Regarding your FDLE Flyer, please be aware that the first thing you see when doing a search for a SO is this:

It is FDLE’s desire that the information contained herein be accurate and reliable. Any person who believes information provided is not accurate should contact the FDLE Registration & Compliance Unit by phone at 1 (888) 357-7332 or by e-mail at Positive identification cannot be established unless a fingerprint comparison is made.

Regarding the last sentence about a fingerprint comparison, I have a new POV on this as follows. So I’m identified a SO in Florida by a employer, another person, friends, family etc. I now will quote: It is illegal to misuse public records information regarding a sexual predator or a sexual offender as defined by Florida Statutes and to secure a payment from such a predator or offender; to knowingly distribute or publish false information relating to such a predator or offender and to misrepresent such information as being public records information; or to materially alter public records information with the intent to misrepresent the information, including documents, summaries of public records information provided by law enforcement agencies, or public records information displayed by law enforcement agencies on websites or provided through other means of communication.

Section 775.21(10)(c)

This is solid protection made available by Florida Law to at least make sure violence in not perpetrated against us. There have been cases in Florida where Neighborhood Watch Committee’s and Condo Associations have copied Flyers and sent them out around neighborhoods as to so-called “alert the public”. I know of a case in Lake County that caused a young teen Offender to commit suicide! So I asked my Local Police Agency about this and they said that if someone does this they are most likely in violation of the Statutes. In my case when I quote the Statutes regarding misuse of public records and the fact a person can be arrested for a serious crime, then in most cases the so-called “witch hunt” will immediately stop!

But what about my Public Image, is it damaged forever? The way I see it is that the answer is unquestionably “yes”. RSO’s are all choosing to find different ways of coping and the road to recovery is a long one. A RSOL becomes isolated from Society and is treated like a Monster from hell! What I do is try to dwell on the positive things you are as a person as they vastly outweigh the negative things. And most importantly, be strong and never give up the fight for Reform of these insane SO Federal and State Laws!

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