Definition: 1. One who takes or advocates the taking of law enforcement into one’s own hands. 2. A member of a vigilance committee.
“In 2001 I was released by the Probation Department of my County and The Department of Corrections. (Florida) and was forced to sign the RSO paperwork and within 24 hours had to obtain a new Florida Drivers License in which identifies yourself as a RSO. So here I was in a long line at The Department of Motor Vehicles License & Tag Office turning in my valid Florida Drivers License for a new one.
“Why are you here, asked the Tag Office employee.” I handed over my DOC Paperwork and he looked at it as if he had never seen anything like it before. Then he eyeballed me with a look I will never forget! That certain look could be defined as the look any RSO will receive when you are identified as a RSO. He also seemed frightened, almost like I have to get rid of this person in a hurry. So I was rushed to the front of the line and basically re-took my still photo and told to wait for the new License to be processed. The line around me had suddenly disappeared and they handed me my new License and said good luck!
On the way home I stopped by my favorite British Pub run by a Family from England that I have known for years. I ordered fish & chips and a glass of wine and then the owner appeared and asked to sit down at my table. He told me that there were rumors circulating about my character and he asked me not to come in anymore. After I investigated the situation it turned out a local county Police Officer that frequented the pub decided without reasonable cause to do a criminal background check on myself and found out about my crime and told the owners. I thought this on the way home; “Not only now do I have an entire Society against me, but now the cops are against me as well!
I live in a Condo Complex, one that has an Condo Association. Nobody ever bothered me about my situation nor did I volunteer information as well. That Christmas since I was no longer on Probation, I felt in a Festive mood and decorated lavishly my Townhouse exterior. A few days later I received a knock at my door and it was the Condo Association President. He asked me to take down my decorations. He first said that his wife thought they looked like something from a devilish movie but his second answer was clearer. “We have heard that you are a Pedophile! I told him although it was true that I was over the age of 16 it was not true about the latter.” I asked him where this vicious lie came from and he told me the neighbors told him about me. I decided to explain my crime.
Now during my Probation period I was told to not say a word. “Keep a low profile and you will be safe, said my Senior Probation Officer.” But then I thought, I had recently been thrown out of my favorite restaurant and now this, so what do I have to lose? So therefore after I explained my crime, I was told I could leave the decorations in place and that the Condo President said he was sorry for bothering me. A few months later both the neighbors identified that spread the lie and the condo president and his wife had moved away.
I was very lucky I thought, because thousands of RSO’s that live in Condo and Housing Communities are being targeted with violence. For myself I have made the decision that simply sitting down with the party in question and giving a civil explanation of my crime is the best policy, the opposite of what The Florida Department of Corrections wanted. I was even asked to join my Condo Association Board of Directors… I declined!
There is no accurate statistical analysis of Vigilante Violence aimed at the RSO. Often the police write in reports “death at their own hands” or “Suicide” because it an easy cover-up. RSO’s and Suicide, they go hand-in-hand! A few months ago a RSO was found in a nearby lake, naked with his hands tied behind his back and it was ruled a Suicide.
And for most RSO’s in compliance and have been convicted of a Felony cannot possess a firearm so other means to defend ourselves from potential Vigilantism are found. Florida does have:
“The Stand Your Ground Law”
I pray that I will never have to use this Law to protect myself for this never-ending nightmare brought on by these insane Laws. And God forbid I never have to so-called “Stand my Ground” if confronted by potential Vigilante Violence.
“Who will be there to protect us?
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