Your Civil and Human Rights

“Upon my own arrest in 1992 and held in Florida, that was the beginning of my lost of Civil Rights.”

In my case my Miranda Rights were read to me the minute Warrants were served. And I decided to give up those rights to speak to the FDLE even though it may mean Self Incrimination. I did not have a Lawyer at the time. A cooler of food and soft drinks were brought into my Home as they searched and ate at the same time. I was questioned for over an hour. The main Investigator said this; “Well looks like you are facing a “dime”! Which in cop terms I suppose means a 10 year sentence. Actually he was wrong, I’m serving a Life Sentence being on the RSO list. And the fact my case Withheld Adjudication without Trial and I was placed on Probation… wrong again!

So therefore, once you do waive your Miranda Rights, tricks will be used against you to get you to possibly admit to a crime you did not commit. And if you do have a admission of guilt and its recorded and you have waived your rights, then it can be held against you. Basically, when you are arrested and talk to the cops they will do everything they can to use whatever you say most of the time to confirm their arrest is justified. Now once you are booked and held, then other than the fact you have the rights to seek a Bail Bondsman or a Lawyer and make the phone calls to do so, your Civil Rights are gone! In my case, they placed a tag on my collar of my Jail Suit that identified myself as a Sex Crime Prisoner. So my Civil Rights were violated as I was treated differently and possible violence against me may have happened. I was also not allowed to make a phone call for 6 hours and by that time all the Law Offices were closed. I bailed out and won’t go into what rights you have and what rights you waive with a Bondsman. Many have their own set of rules.

Now since you are now charged with a Crime prior to any Court Hearing, you must use all the Civil Rights you have to get a Fair Trial. I’m not a Lawyer and I would respect you not use my advise for any Court of Law but I would recommend you discuss your Civil Rights with the Lawyer you hire in your first meeting. While awaiting Trial, the Police can at anytime come back and conduct further Investigations as they continue to gain the Evidence they need for a Conviction. Just make damn sure your Lawyer is called if this happens. So basically anytime prior to your Trial, you have lost in part your Civil Rights.

If you are Convicted and Sentenced, then kiss your Civil Rights goodbye. Felony convictions are worse because in Florida, you lose many of the Rights that you normally would have in Society such as your right to vote, run for elected office and to buy and carry a firearm. As discussed in a prior Story, Florida allows for restoration of your Civil Rights and here is a good Link to help you:

When you are sentenced like I was to Probational Control, please be aware and warned that a Probation Officer in Florida has the rights to conduct a search of your premises, search yourself and take drug tests at any time and conduct any further investigation into your crime without telling you. They can and will visit your workplace and even talk to your friends and family. You cannot stop this process and as frustrating as it is to be let out in Society but still be held by the Courts, you must at all costs abide by all your Courts Sentencing Rules and Restrictions or be held for Violation of Probation which can mean Sentencing to a mandatory sentence in relation to your crime. My advise: “Be cool with your Probation Officer and they will be cool with you!

If you are not incarcerated and served out your Probational period and once you are Released from the custody of the Courts, you regain your Civil Rights although still based upon restrictions you may have if you are a Convicted Felon. In my case, I was not and regained all my Rights as I once had prior to my initial arrest.

Being made to Register and becoming a RSO, the question must be; “What about my Civil Rights and my basic Human Rights now?

Well that is what all this Reformation Business is all about. We know that if you are a RSO, even though we have post Release gained back those Civil Rights, our Rights as a everyday Citizen living in America have been greatly diminished. We have to abide by Laws that may not have been in effect when we were arrested and put on trial. There has been several recent law changes that make it extremely hard to move about freely in Society. Your basic “Human Rights” has become a punishment that Society has bestowed upon the RSO.. a punishment that may not even fit the crime.

We are and should be in a continued fight to regain all our Freedoms.

The Courts have spoken and we have served our time and been released, but now we have to face the fight of our lives being a RSO. We have the Human Right to fight against unfair and unjust Laws in Society that are affecting the way we live. I cannot think of any other part of Society that this has happened to and the forces against Reformation is heavy.

God gave us the Human Right to live!

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