Jackson County SORR fell off agenda.

Jackson County, FL was supposed to discuss a proposed increase to their Sex Offender Residency Restriction, increasing it to 2500 feet at their meeting that took place this past week. We asked for our members to reach out to the commissioners and many did. We also wrote to them ourselves.

For whatever reason, the proposed SORR fell off the agenda (http://jacksoncofl.civicclerk.com/Web/UserControls/DocPreview.aspx?p=1&aoid=217).


9 thoughts on “Jackson County SORR fell off agenda.

  • April 15, 2018

    Sure, but the devil is in the details as to what “done right means. It”s not just slapping maxed out apartment buildings down and making up various affordability and job requirements. There has to be an element of planning as well. Seaman Ave and 204, for example, is a great example of an extremely uniform streetwall and quite high density – higher than what you would find on the side streets of the UWS or Greenwich Village. If copied and pasted onto the former industrial areas, a new neighborhood similar to Seaman Ave would be a great place to live and provide thousands of new apartments. But the city isn”t proposing that, they are proposing a doubling of density and tripling of size, which introduces all sorts of problems for affordability (due to all the market units), infrastructure (due to the massive population increase) and quality of life (from shadows to overtaxed and in some cases nonexistent community assets). The plan needs fixing to remove the aggressive politics and restore high-quality planning.

  • April 13, 2018

    That’s awesome. Wonder what else we can just cause to go away because we stood up and fought. Sorrs need to be abolished all over the US. If not, then what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. We need to propose a state law that all drug offenders must be registered and can’t live within 1000ft of a Walgreen’s, CVS, Walmart, publix or any place of business that sells over the counter or prescription drugs. And they too cannot live 1000ft from a park or school also. If you get convicted of a gun crime, you can’t live 1000ft from a dicks sporting goods, Walmart, or any gun shop along with schools and parks. ……and you get the idea. Ron Book started all this nonsense with a county ordinance that went nationwide somehow. According to the article I read. So if they won’t abolish it, then fine, someone needs to propose the same punishments for ALL categories of offenders then. Once the druggies and gun thugs see they’re being treated just like the SOs, then people’s perspectives will start to change. They act like they’re better than us in prison and you’ve heard stories about RSOs getting bullied and I tell you it’s true. And it’s only like that because the system allows it and has created this stigma because all criminals are not punished the same. But this is a good start.

    • April 15, 2018

      I’ve been preaching this since my family member was saddledwith this life long sentence.. Put a registry or there for all convicted felons. Drunk drivers, drug pushers, wife beaters, husband beaters, all of it!! Drown the system with their own kool aid and see how quickly they do away with it! FAC, I believe in what y’all do and greatly appreciate y’all but could the SOR be brought down this way?

      • April 16, 2018


        Great idea isn’t it?? The govt likes to punish all sex offenders the same, but won’t apply those same principles to other offenders as well. And my thing is, shouldn’t groups like the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center be advocating for equal rights for stuff like this? I mean, hell, someone in Oklahoma wants to put the Ten Commandments up in front of the courthouse and the ACLU is all over it and it makes national headlines for months…….250 people living on the side of the railroad tracks in conditions worse than Somalia??? Ehhh, it’s a shame. Nothing we can do………900,000 US citizens who have paid their debt to society and are having to register like a bunch of victims of a Nazi regime and are having to live on the outskirts of any community like a modern day leper??? Ehhh, we’ll get to it when we can. Doesn’t make any sense does it?? Just goes to show you this world is every which way of cra cra. It also tells me these groups only exist to serve their agendas. If your cause doesn’t fit their agenda, they won’t give two sh*ts about it. You can’t fight stuff like this without money and power. And RSOs and the very few people and groups that care about us, have very little of either.

      • April 16, 2018


        Also, like you said, and great quote by the way, if you drown the system with their own kool aid as you say, it will totally overwhelm the sheriffs offices with having to track these people on their registries and having to find officers to service the people coming in to register every 6 months or 3 or what have you. As it is, here in Duval county, the felony registration office I have to go to for registration is staffed all by retired detectives who are coming out of retirement to man the place, because the sheriffs office doesn’t have the staff to handle all of it. I mean, no kidding, the active officers and detectives are too busy busting up drug crimes and homicides that Jacksonville constantly has going on here. It’s insane. Just literally insane.

        • April 16, 2018

          This insanity won’t stop until you hit these law makers in the wallet because that’s ask they care about.. As long as their world is happy and full of money and influence and they can live like fat cats then all is well for them. Currently our attorney is working on just this issue.. My family member as a RSO is banned from owning a gun, voting, getting a professional license, visiting state parks, national parks and a laundry list of other prohibitions that his tax dollars are used to support. Our intention is to take his tax dollars awayfrom the government because if he can’t use these resources then why pay for them? We recognise this is a far shot but once the word is out that this is a thing then someone somewhere will get this into the right court and gain success witch will open the flood gates for this to drown the court system and then things will change!!

  • April 13, 2018

    Nice! …In unity there is strength. Congrats!

  • April 13, 2018

    Smiles all around! Way to go all of you!

    • April 13, 2018

      Amen 🙏 even though I’m so not I’m that beautiful County I’m happy for all of us humans


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