The Fallacy of “Second-Chance” month for Florida’s Sex Offenders

Weekly Update 2018-04-17 Dear Members and Advocates, Happy “Second Chance Month”! What does that mean? “Second Chance Month”. Is that like Black History Month where we recognize great leaders in the civil rights movement? Or is it like National Pancake Month (July) where we are supposed to eat pancakes? I checked the Wikipedia page for these observance months and didn’t

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The Hypocrisy of LGBTQ’s Treatment of a Sex Offender Employee at their Center

Weekly Update 2018-04-12 Dear Members and Advocates, This past week we have been debating an incident that took place at an LGBTQ community center. The “incident” is not exactly an incident, but the media has blown it completely out of proportion, as if a nuclear bomb had been found buried in a playground. In 1995 “CC” committed a crime for

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FDLE’s New Website for Sex Offenders and Remaining Vigilant

Weekly Update 2018-04-08 Dear Members and Advocates, Sometimes you need to have a sense of humor in this situation. We monitor the news headlines for relevant stories and yesterday several news outlets have written about the new layout of the FDLE sex offender website. It’s a non-issue from most people’s perspective, but an opportunity for the FDLE to give the

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Ft. Lauderdale’s Sex Offender Residency Restriction Judged Unconstitutional

Weekly Update 2018-03-27 Dear Members and Advocates, This weekly update comes to you with amazing news. The City of Ft. Lauderdale’s Sex Offender Residency Restriction was found to be Unconstitutional and a violation of State and Federal laws against retroactive punishment. For more details about this tremendous decision, visit: Out of respect to the defendant’s privacy we won’t publish

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Attacks on Constitutional Advocacy

Weekly Update 2018-03-23 Dear Members and Advocates, We are (im)patiently waiting for two orders to come down from the court. One in our Internet Identifier case and another in a municipal residency restriction case. Yesterday, attorneys for the plaintiffs in the Internet Identifier case filed a “Notice of Supplemental Authority”, informing the court of a decision last week out of

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SCOTUS Agrees to hear Sex Offense Case on Applying SORNA Retroactively

Weekly Update 2018-03-06 Dear Members and Advocates, The Supreme Court of the United States will be considering a “sex offender case” in it’s upcoming session. The case is Gundy v. United States and the essential decision the Court is being asked to make is whether the Federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) can be applied retroactively, as written. SORNA, which

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Legislative Updates on Sex Offense Bills in Florida

Weekly Update 2018-02-27 Dear Members and Advocates, It wasn’t for the best of reasons, but we got a reprieve from the consideration of Lauren Book’s horrible Senate Bill 1226 that would reduce the number of days a permanent or temporary residence requires registration (from 5 days to 3 days). The Bill was scheduled to be taken up before the Senate

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Florida’s Hypocrisy in Regulating Local Sex Offender Statutes

FAC Weekly Update 2018-02-20 Dear Members and Advocates. Florida Sex Offender News. Two posts on our site this past week received a significant response. The first was about the tragic school shooting in Parkland. The second, concerned a father being denied entrance to a hospital for his son’s surgery because he’s a registered sex offender. While it may seem the

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Should We Abolish the Sex Offender Registry – A Debate

Abolishing Sex Offender Registry Wins in New York Debate Dear Members and Advocates, If you want to see an interesting presentation on both sides of the sex offender registry argument, we suggest you watch the video of the debate that took place last night in New York. The debate was hosted by and the Soho Forum and argued by

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