Former Senator Greg Evers

It is with a heavy heart I break this news. Though many of you did not know him, Greg Evers was a Senator and Gentleman Farmer. He chaired the Criminal Justice Committee in Tallahassee for several years. He understood our issue better than most in Tallahassee and although had not sponsored legislation for us directly he helped us more than

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Sex Offenders Sent To Homeless Encampment Told To Find Housing, But Where?

Roughly 260 sex offenders have registered as their residence the intersection of Northwest 36th Court and 71st Street, on the edge of Hialeah and Miami.  The closest house is four blocks away and the only buildings here are squat warehouses. They start to roll in around 9:30 p.m., just in time for curfew. By the end of the night, around 50 people fill two dozen tents

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Tent camp of homeless sex offenders near Hialeah ‘has got to close,’ county says

Seven years after Miami-Dade County shut down a camp housing about 100 homeless sex offenders under a bridge in Miami, it’s now trying to deal with an encampment on the outskirts of Hialeah that has almost three times as many residents registered to live there. Police and social workers on Monday night visited the roughly 30 tents set up near

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