OH: Committee recommends eliminating residency restrictions for sex offenders

A proposed change to Ohio’s Criminal Code could eliminate residency restrictions for sex offenders. The Criminal Justice Recodification Committee has finished reviewing Ohio’s extensive criminal code after two years. However, not everyone agrees with some of its recommendations. The Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) opposes this specific recommended change, saying it’s meant to keep children safe. Right now, sex offenders

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Sex offender law prompts lawsuit

Now the police are not only going after registrants, but those trying to help them too! A federal lawsuit filed against a county sheriff’s office in the Kansas City area alleges that an initiative to arrest sex offenders near a charity violates the organization’s constitutionally protected rights of religious freedom. The suit filed by the City Union Mission focuses on

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One in five kids raised on registries attempt suicide at some point in their lives; many succeed

The following is an excerpt from an article by Nicole I. Pittman and Riya Saha Shah of Impact Justice. The article is titled, “Cruel and Unusual: the Case Against Registering Kids as Sex Offenders” and you understand more, from these personal accounts, how horribly punitive the registry can be for relatively innocent offenses. “Jason was 14 years old and living

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