Get Your Story Out There!

A message from Josh Gravens Josh Gravens, a TX Voices member, who is a Soros Justice Fellow with CURE National, sends this message to our wider family: I am working on a project and I need your help. The project is designed to humanize people on the registry. The best way to destroy the sex offender myth is to make

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An Overview of Sex Offender Reentry: Building a Foundation for Professionals

This webinar is the first in a series designed for professionals working to prepare individuals convicted of a sexual offense to return to the community. The webinar presents criminal justice professionals and practitioners with an overview of statistics and understandings about the sex offender population, the barriers and challenges to reentry faced by this population, and a framework for professionals

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HUGE Victory in California!

‘Presence Bans’ have been effectively banned in the State of California! On April 23rd, the California Supreme Court refused to review the lower court’s decision that prevented cities from enforcing ordinances that prevent registrants from going to or being present in certain areas.  Now, registrants can be free to enjoy parks, beaches and many other places with their families! Although

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Breaking Down The Sex Offender Label

When most hear the term “registered sex offender” the first thought that comes to mind is ‘this person is a child molester’. While the label does include many who have molested children and some other heinous acts, the label also includes many whose offenses had nothing to do with children, whose offenses are relatively benign or who have no direct

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Standing Our Ground

“In the light of the Internationally publicized State of Florida versus George Zimmerman trial in Seminole County I would like to voice my opinion on how this relates to the RSO.” In speaking of the RSO pre (not incarcerated) and post release sentences and with our Civil Rights intact, we have the right by Florida Law to Stand Our Ground!

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The Current Sexual Revolution

“Before I begin a discussion of our so-called current Sexual Revolution its important for you to know where I myself first encountered these life changing events.” I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and in the late 1960’s was my introduction to puberty. Sexual Freedom was all around me. Exploring yourself through Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll

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Seeking Employment and what to expect!

“According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 92% of all Employers conduct a Background and Criminal check either prior to or after a Employee has been hired.” Most of the vital information for this article can be found at the following link: However there is no Governmental based source of data that is determining the current state of affairs

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Friends, Family & You!

“The very worst thing about myself having to be Registered for “Life” here in Florida is that once your Family and Friends realize that they are living or spending time with a RSO they will never treat you the same again! For myself, although I told my Family about the Registration process it was still a total shock to them

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