Florida is one of three states with lifetime disenfranchisement

Florida, Iowa and Kentucky are the only states to impose lifetime voting bans for felons unless their rights are restored by the governor. Prior governor Crist automatically restored civil rights upon completion of the sentence. Current governor Scott requires a long waiting period prior to an application. For a “sex offense”… good luck! We have a bunch of rights impacting

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12 year old girl in Florida arrested for pinching boy's butt

Cosmopolitan Magazine features this story about a 12 year old Seminole County girl being arrested for pinching a boy’s butt. Now we all agree that children should be taught boundaries and that there should be consequences for inappropriate behavior, but have we gone too far? The article quotes the girl as saying, “If I don’t do the community service, I

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Sex Offender Colonies: Good or Bad?

Does it bother you that the media suggests a “sex offender colony” is a good solution for housing registered citizens? Nobody discounts the incredible work that communities like Matthew 25 Ministries and the Villages, among others, do for registered citizens. After all, because of the draconian residency restrictions, many have nowhere to go. That said; is colonizing an unwelcome class

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STOP International Megan's Law

Florida Action Committee is calling on @POTUS to veto the International Megan’s Law. Please stop this horrible piece of legislation from becoming law. @Charlie44 @Abramson44 @Alex44   @Ashley44 @Benenati44 @Broderick44 @Brundage44 @Cabinet @CEAChair  @Cecilia44 @Deese44 @DeeseOMB @Denis44    @DJ44   @dmbrooks44  @DrBiden @FLOTUS  @Goldman44   @Hill44  @Hoffine44  @Holst44    @jesseclee44  @JFriedman44   @JoiningForces @Jordan44 @Katie44 @KLewis44 @KRichards44 @ks44     @LaCasaBlanca    @Lee44 @letsmove  @LincolnTheHawk @Maley44 @NSC44   @OMB  @OMBPress

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HR 515 Vote (International Megan's Law) scheduled for vote TODAY

The U.S. House of Representatives has rescheduled its vote on HR 515, International Megan’s Law, for Monday, February 1. As originally scheduled, the vote will be under a “suspension of the rules” and therefore debate will be limited to no more than 40 minutes and require a 2/3 vote of those present regardless of how many members are in attendance.

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