Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Sex Offense Registry, Considers SORR

The Illinois Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the Illinois sex offender registration scheme. It has also ruled that sex offender residence restrictions are not facially unconstitutional but remanded an “as applied” challenge to the lower court. The plaintiff had been representing himself pro se.   On the question of residence restrictions, the plaintiff cited recidivism studies, as well as studies demonstrating that

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Restorative advocate accused of being “sex offender lover”

Dr. Alissa Ackerman is a professor of criminal justice at California State University, Fullerton, and co-founder of Ampersands Restorative Justice.  Ackerman studies every aspect of sexual abuse and the criminal justice policies used after it occurs. Being a rape survivor, Ackerman advocates for restorative justice for sex crimes where there is a likelihood of not sexually re-offending.  But she acknowledges

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Florida Third District Court of Appeal affirms lower court ruling for registered citizen

On November 16, 2022, a registered person won an order to be removed from the registry (State of Florida v. David Whitehead F95-37823) after 20 years in the state of Florida, beating the 2007 amendment, as the judge in the case said it was punitive in nature and could not be applied retroactively.   The state then appealed the decision. The

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FDLE’s compilation of sex offense statutes and registry requirements

We are frequently encountering members who are unsure of the registry requirements, which statutes are applicable to their situation, the statute numbers, etc.  FDLE has published a guideline to assist law enforcement in navigating the confusing web of registration laws.  This publication can also be a helpful tool for registered citizens to have. Unfortunately, people just released from prison do

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USA TODAY: The complicated research behind pedophilia

Some facts pointed out in the USA TODAY’s most recent article on pedophilia: Research suggests that pedophilia is determined in the womb and is neurological. “Not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles; some pedophiles never abuse children.” “Anna Salter, a psychologist, author, and internationally recognized expert who has done over 500 evaluations of high-risk sex offenders,…says ‘Pedophiles may

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Missouri lawmaker’s bill would add to the current list of actions that could land someone on the sex offense registry

When this bill was first introduced a couple of weeks ago in Missouri, most people paid little attention to it as no one thought it had a chance of passing, but it is stirring up some heated debates. This bill would make it a felony for teachers or school counselors if they use a student’s preferred name and pronoun, requiring

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Recent FAC Press Release picked up by outlets throughout the country

ABC 8 News Richmond, among other media sites, picked up the most recent FAC Press Release: “New legislation in Tallahassee, homelessness spirals out of control in the Sunshine State.” According to FAC President Gail Colletta, “The homelessness crisis in Florida, which has completely spiraled out of control, is a problem almost entirely of the state’s own making.” Colletta continues to

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Panel discussion being led by Restorative Action Alliance

Sex Exceptionalism in Culture and Law – More Harm than Good? Tuesday, March 19th at 7:30 PM EST (4:30 PM PST) REGISTER HERE You are invited to join Restorative Action Alliance for a nuanced panel discussion on how cultural ideas and the moral panic around sex and sexuality influence law, policy, and society. Are we breaking cycles of harm or creating them?   Why Do We Treat Sex Crimes Differently Than

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