Women Forced to Register Speak Out on FAC Membership Call

Reminder-Florida Action Committee(FAC) Monthly Membership Call tonight Thu March 7 at 8pmET. Topic: Women Forced to Register are Speaking Out. Guests: Women’s group SHINE and their public speaking team called VOICES. To listen to these courageous women, call 319-527-3487 or text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for callback to be connected at no charge. In 1980, U.S. President Jimmy Carter declared

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CORRECT THE COURT: Vigil on the Steps of SCOTUS to Overturn Smith v. Doe 

You are invited to a deeply meaningful event near the steps of the US Supreme Court, at 10:00AM,  Friday, March 15th. Registered citizens, supporters and advocates will gather to demonstrate by holding  a vigil commemorating the anniversary of the Court’s disastrous decision, Smith v. Doe that has caused  great harm to persons forced to register (PFR) and their families.  💻

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Florida House passes bill to prevent homeless people from sleeping in public

Friday, the Florida House passed HB 1365 which prohibits counties and municipalities from authorizing or allowing public camping or sleeping on public property without certification of designated public property by DCF. Many persons on the (sex offender) registry are forced into homelessness and will be affected by this bill if passed into law. According to the OPPAGA (Office of Program

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Tennessee’s Representative Bryan Richey stated that 32% of people on the sex offender registry commit repeat offenses

FAC does not put out calls to action for legislation outside of Florida, but for our members who have difficulty with false information being given by politicians to force bad legislation into law, The Tennessee Conservative article containing this falsehood is allowing for comments—no registering for an account is required.   Please be courteous if you choose to communicate with

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It’s time for a new direction in sexual offense policy

By John Covert First published in the Arizona Capitol Times   John Covert does an excellent job of showing how sex offense registries have thoroughly missed the mark. Numerous academic studies have shown that registries do not accomplish what they were intended to do:  reduce sexual recidivism.  As Covert points out, “They (sex offense registries) do not prevent sex offenses. 

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Call to Action for SB 1190 and HB 1131: Online Sting Operations Grant Program

What you need to know about SB 1190 and HB 1131:   The sponsors of both identical bills say these bills would create an Online Sting Operations Grant Program within FDLE to support local law enforcement agencies in creating sting operations to protect children. Many of these sting operations try to entrap individuals in ADULT ONLY websites. There is no

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Missouri Alliance says only those who are truly a threat should remain on the “sex offender” registry

The Missouri Alliance for Family Restoration advocates for a registry that represents people with a past sex offense who pose a threat of recidivism in their communities, post-incarceration.   Mallory Challis, a journalist with the Baptist News Global, said the Missouri Alliance claims that reducing the registrants on the list to those most likely to sexually re-offend “will help the

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“Please print a balanced piece,” NARSOL asks WKRC—and they did!

By Sandy Rozek First published at narsol.org Sandy at NARSOL reported that on “February 12, WKRC, Cincinnati, aired and ran a piece by David Winter about what they imply is a failure to protect children based on law enforcement’s handling of residence restriction laws for people with a historic sexual offense conviction.”   As a result, Sandy wrote the director of

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Feds sue Tennessee over registering HIV sex workers for life as violent sex offenders

Florida Action Committee does not defend the act of prostitution and only encourages our members to respect and follow all laws, but should someone with HIV convicted of aggravated prostitution be sentenced to a lifetime on the sex offense registry and as a violent sex offender? Consider Florida where there are people on the Florida registry for life who were

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