Duval Co Legislative Delegation Meeting

FAC members recently participated in the Duval County Delegation meeting on Friday, November 15, the first such delegation meeting this year where we had members speaking on behalf of persons forced to register and their family members. For our first two speakers, the leadership of the delegation showed by their actions that they were totally disinterested in what our speakers

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Pennsylvania attorney questions effectiveness of registry

Aaron Marcus, an attorney “who has done extensive work in the field of sex offense registries and laws” says that “he is critical of them.”  (LNP LancasterOnline, “Megan’s Law site lets people search for offenders, but some question effectiveness,” by Dan Nephin, November 10, 2024) Here are just some of the reasons attorney Marcus opposes having registries: They were passed

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So many resources wasted throughout the U.S.

Each October law enforcement officials increase their number of random checks on people forced to register as a sex offender.  Then come the press releases informing the public that children will now be safer during their Halloween activities.  While there is no research to back up such statements, this activity by law enforcement has increasingly become a form of harassment

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PARSOL’s 2024 Fall Conference

The Pennsylvania Association for Rational Sexual Offense Laws (PARSOL) is holding its inaugural Fall Conference next month on Friday, November 15, 2024, in Harrisburg, PA from 8:30 am to 6:00 pm (plus evening film & discussion!) The conference will also be live-streamed so anyone across the country can join.  So sign up today.  With the live-stream option, you will have

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