FAC Letter Opposing Jackson County, FL Sex Offender Registry Restriction
Below is a copy of the letter from FAC to the Commissioners of Jackson County, Florida, who are considering expanding their sex offender residency restriction to 2500 feet.
A public meeting will be held in on April 10, 2018 in Marianna, FL to discuss the proposed change. We would appreciate any member who is in that area and can be available the morning of the 10th, to appear on behalf of FAC and read a prepared statement from our organization into the meeting record. If you can help is with this, please contact info@floridaactioncommittee.org and let us know.
If nobody shows up to these meetings to speak out, it appears as though nobody opposes the change.
I would love to go, but the drive is a hike from Silver Springs…can we call them while their meeting is going on? I’d do that…
Send letters.
Can someone just send these lost morons a copy of the recent wins against residency restrictions all over the US?
Make it clear that they will be sued, and lose, if they want to proceed to waste taxpayer money. Would be great to demand the names of the imbeciles that are trying to pass this as well, to make a public mockery out of them.
I am 3 hours from there, if you cant find someone closer, email me and i will try to get there and help
Thank you D!!!
I would love to go , but over 5 hours and my Probation Officer won’t allow me … even if by chance a could get a hold of her to ask ,, mailbox always full…
This has nothing to do with this post, but I couldn’t resist sharing. I am an RN and doing my continuing education requirement at home. One of the questions is.. The Board of Nursing is not permitted to reinstate a license if the nurse has been found guilty of diverting drugs or narcotics from patients for personal use or sale on how many separate occasions?? one, two, three, or four The answer is 3!! Can you believe a nurse who is taking care of you can use or sell your drugs 3 times and be rehabilitated. Not to mention, you suffer with the pain. I am appalled. It’s proven, the majority of RSOs do not reoffend, and we just throw them away. There are some who are just thrown in to prison and never receive rehab.
Did Palm Beach County go back to the State 1000 rule that only applies to persons whose offense occurred after the effective date of the current law in 2004, or are they applying it ex post facto to person convicted after that date and no longer subject to sanctions?
I still find it amusing/ironic that some of the most draconian restrictions have been devised by these counties that are known for being rather “liberal.”
Palm Beach County is 1000 for all
Excellent letter FAC, Thank you
This is a terrible dilemma. Of course thousands of us oppose this change. But, how can the majority of us stand up In a situation like this? I just feel so bad that more of us cannot do this. We are just not strong or knowledgeable enough. It would be even worse for the cause.
We just need ONE person who can stand up at this meeting