FDLE Launches Mobile App

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement just launched a mobile app (http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/MA/Mobile-Devices.aspx)

The App, which has versions for Android and iOS, incorporates the sex offender registry. Several other apps feature sex offender searches and maps, so this is nothing new or novel.

24 thoughts on “FDLE Launches Mobile App

    • October 30, 2018

      Of course not. No prior convictions, so he never would have been registered in the first place. It’s the same flawed premise of the stated purpose of the registry in the first place.

      He claims it was consensual, and the article didn’t say anything to the contrary. I assume the age of consent in Florida is 17 or 18, but that’s beside my point. Is a 16 year old girl having a crush on a 26 year old man really that deviant? Is it so unthinkable that she might have lied about her age?

      While knowledge of age may not be an element of sex crime against minors, intent is and it’s the state’s burden to prove it. If he claims he didn’t know her age and wouldn’t have had sex with her if he did, then the state has to prove otherwise to show intent. Don’t know about the law in Florida, but that is what the law says in Georgia. Sadly, it’s always overlooked by DAs and courts.

      • October 31, 2018

        Hmm not on the Registry before he committed the crime so these so called quacks of the mind could not predict his future behavior hmm I guess their crystal balls only work on those who been accused or convicted. Also Mr police and Mr.fdle and “Bookman crime family” If he was not on registry when he allegedly committed his crime; does this not show you the Registry is a waste of resources,time and manpower. @ Lauren Book I say this with all due respect (I do not disrespect those in office) If you were interested and involve in the children lives why not go after those who beat and fail to pay child support instead of going after Sex offenders who been convicted in a judical system, Please spend money where it is greatly needed in the School systems not in prisons… It had always amaze me you can find the Bible in prison but not in School!

  • October 30, 2018

    More than likely another fellow or sex offender created the App. Perhaps to get the heat off their own butt,profit or just to jump in bed with the police. While I was in Fla. Dept. of Corrections we had other inmates inform the correctional officers (failed people who could not make it as a regular cop) about what others are doing, smoking,and drinking.. but the same ones forget it was the police that help put them in there. A lot of people do not know and F.A.C already mention this a few weeks ago. That phone you carry in your pocket or pocketbook is a GPS tracker…The app that FDLE wants a user to download gives them a more narrow window to follow you better in Other words when you agree to the terms of user and their products you giving up your fourth (4th) Amendments right……. Helloooooo please think about this before you decide to get that App. If you wanna know the danger zones to stay out of Say for example 1000 law go to google maps type the street address you see map quest then pop up to enlarge that map save your money google maps are free

    • October 30, 2018

      That’s not correct – this is the FDLE’s app.

      • October 30, 2018

        I do not wish to argue with you because we have really no idea what the App can or can not do.. We live in a world that gives Big brother more control of our lives All I was saying the app can have some type of software in it to search your phone data or history with you not being aware of it.I am huge Sci Fi fan And I know that Big Brother has stuff that the civilian does not have yet.. Also keep in mind after 9-11 Our own Government spies on it own people That Lab top you own with the little camera just because the little green is not on does not mean your not being watch…. I put black tape over the camera and on my camera phone as well

    • October 30, 2018

      Most apps ask you permission to use your phones features, such as camera, files, photos, location etc. etc. Once you do, the developer has access. I’ll pass on this one.

      • October 31, 2018

        Same here. I don’t need the police snooping through my private stuff on my phone. Family photos and such and stalking me wherever I go.

  • October 29, 2018

    Warning: Cars you have posted on your online flyer may not reflect what the sheriff has I found that out this month. My online flier was missing one that the sheriff had and the sheriff had one my flier didn’t. Would really suck if I didn’t think to check the flier probably would have been arrested and had to straighten all this out. I wonder if you get a bond on this violation and a trial? Who pays attorney fees if your found not guilty being its civil?

    • October 30, 2018

      If it helps, cars that you drive but don’t own are not included in the flier. The flyer ordinarily includes a disclaimer stating that there may be other vehicles. They still may be properly registered.

      • October 30, 2018

        Jacob, your flyer may also include cars you used to have, and reported their sale or junking to DMV, since DMV is too lazy to remove them from their database (where the vehicles on your flyer come from).

        • October 31, 2018

          County police thought at one point that all the cars I reported were all mine. lol. I do have a family you know. Why would I own and drive 5 different cars at once ? duh!.

        • November 2, 2018

          It took like 15 years to get a car the I had not owned since before I was convicted removed from my file. Today, there is still car in my file that I sold in 2010 to a guy in Georgia and was subsequently traded/sold again in like 2015.

      • October 30, 2018

        Thanks Jacob that would make sense!

    • October 30, 2018

      B1, I was also missing a car on my info last time I re-registered. Luckily, the officer found it on the summary so I was not violated. Also, your flyer may not reflect what is in your file at the registration office. Sounds like a database consolidation or updating error.

  • October 29, 2018

    This is probably another ploy to get us to sign up, then they can track our phones, know where we are and what we’re doing so they can come harass us. Not that we are doing anything wrong, but just to harass us.

  • October 29, 2018

    Yet another way to waste tax payer funds…way to go FLORIDA!

  • October 29, 2018

    I would be interested to know, who was the app developer, how much this developer was paid for this and similar contracts in other states, and how often they send a government relations person to Tallahassee.

    • October 29, 2018

      I’d be interested in knowing who profits from this. Follow the money to the culprits. The Books and their ilk? Possibly.

      • October 30, 2018

        Well with medical marijuana I was wondering who’s gonna fill their bunks. The good part is people are loosing interest in the registry I never hear people talking about it anymore – ever, people are moving on and these laws and apps are to bring it back in the spot light if you ask me. I noticed when registered this last time the officer stated “and my name is ______ _______ Im here with _______ ______ and signing this also” (something like that) while signing the papers as if they were a detective making the session legal for further proceedings.


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