Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Announces Temporary Closures

Whenever someone establishes a temporary, permanent or transient address in Florida they are required to report IN PERSON to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Today, the DHSMV announced they will be closing their offices. We will update when the FDLE advises what registrants are required to do in order to comply when compliance is impossible.

***Due to COVID-19, beginning Thursday, March 19 through Sunday, April 19 all of our FLHSMV offices will be closed to the public. We will continue to provide services online at GoRenew.com, by telephone and email. For information on tax collectors or license plate agents, please visit their respective websites.***

SOURCE: https://www.flhsmv.gov/locations/temporary-office-closures/

18 thoughts on “Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Announces Temporary Closures

  • March 19, 2020

    go on line and RENEW, yea right and if your on paper and cant us internet access to fullfill your requirement of registering your vehicle you have violated either way

  • March 19, 2020

    so i may be incorrect but the law is the law i don’t think FDLE can change that. so now unable to update drivers lic/id card when i switch street corners now i’m in violation of the law . period . this laws need to go!!!

    • March 24, 2020

      Haha dude…they will probably be back after this plague passes over with new laws that need to be written to criminalize more things.

  • March 19, 2020

    Who knew all it took was a pandemic to remove the (Danger) from all registrants. So am I’m to understand that since you can’t comply to certain obligations because of a state or county agency closing that your no longer a threat during that time period? But when they reopen you suddenly become dangerous again? Well shut the front door. Ain’t that just some real B.S.

    • March 19, 2020

      You are still required to comply with registration.

  • March 19, 2020

    All this B. S. just adds fuel to why the “Registery ” needs to be Oblished!!! Every act about it is PUNISHMENT to anyone on it !!

  • March 19, 2020

    Probation offices closed in Osceola county. Monthlys done on phone now.

  • March 19, 2020

    They closed up the registry called JREC. Must call a number. Thing that makes me question closure, delay etc. With this covid-19, get a voilation because of this. Makes me wonder issues with this virus wouldn’t be able to use in court as reason or so. In my view be good way for LE to voilate people and fill jails. No excuses allowed for us. Just a thoery I see.

    • March 19, 2020

      In which county did they close the registration office?

      • March 21, 2020

        JREC = Jacksonville Re-Entry Center = Duval

        Registration office phone number is 904-301-2410.

    • March 19, 2020

      I asked my lawyer about this. So, just passing on the information. Consult with your own lawyer(s). Under the circumstances, the affirmative legal defense of necessity may apply, which states:

      The defendant reasonably believed under the circumstances that an immediate emergency or danger existed which threatened significant hard to the defendant or another person;
      The defendant did not intentionally cause the emergency or danger; and
      The defendant had no way to avoid the emergency or danger except by committing the crime charged; and
      The harm that the defendant sought to avoid by committing the criminal act must outweigh the harm caused by committing the criminal act.
      The standard jury instructions for this affirmative defense are found in Instruction 3.6(k)

      • March 19, 2020

        @Bob – So we’d prob have to plead guilty to a felony on a plea deal which promises no jail or probation. Or else.. take it to trial.

        • March 19, 2020

          If you read Bob’s post, you would seek case dismissal under that defense. It would never make it to a jury because a case of necessity passes the jury instructions.

      • March 20, 2020

        Don’t forget Bob, we will be in jail waiting trial,,,,,,,,,

        • March 24, 2020

          The old saying “Guilty until proven less guilty” .
          In other words guilty either way.

          I tried to call the driver’s license place to see what to do to renew my license and was on hold for 45 minutes, finally hung up.

          • March 24, 2020

            CherokeeJack – is your Driver’s License due to be renewed? If so, how soon?

          • March 24, 2020

            No but was checking for others to see what they would say. No one even answered the phone.

            Also just came on here to tell you, Mayor Jerry demmings just ordered a 24 hours stay at home order for Orange county Florida starting this Thursday and lasting into April. Wonder if Seminole will follow.

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