NY: Homeless Sex Offender Killed by 1980’s Rapper The Kidd Creole

Homelessness has many risks from disease susceptibility to risk of violence, but the killing of a homeless sex offender by former Rap star and Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, The Kidd Creole (of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five) will hopefully bring some more attention to the punitive component of legislated homelessness.

The report came out in NBC New York this morning and as disturbing as the killing of a homeless sex offender, is the fact that ‘The Kidd Creole’ (whose real name is Nathaniel Glover) has FOUR PRIOR ARRESTS for crimes including unlawful possession of a knife and possession of a gun. Ironically, he was last working as a security guard!

As news reports always go, the shocked neighbor had no idea that a potential murderer lived next door. They report, “Sanders couldn’t believe his neighbor was wanted in a killing.”

The State of New York must create an violent offender registry, combined with an online database, public notification, and housing and employment restrictions!

Had the good citizens of New York been aware of Creole’s history, his neighbors could have been more vigilant and ostracized him. Had he been relegated to live outside the city in rural areas, there would be fewer potential murder victims. Had employers been aware of his prior crimes, he certainly would have never worked in the security field and the stigma of being on a public registry would have led to him never becoming employed anywhere. He should have never had unsupervised access to the homeless or any other vulnerable victim.

The recidivism rate for violent crimes is 71.3 percent (Bureau of Justice Statistics)!!! How can New York not implement a registry?!?!? If it saves one life!

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12 thoughts on “NY: Homeless Sex Offender Killed by 1980’s Rapper The Kidd Creole

  • August 3, 2017

    The worst part of this is that the vast majority will consider this a “misdemeanor murder” or will celebrate that a “dangerous sexual predator” has been “dealt with”.

  • August 3, 2017

    Recidivism rate for violent crime at 71.9 % while recidivism rate for sex offenders is 5.3 %. None of this makes sense…except to those who make a living by ‘creating criminals who need to be watched and that need can be sold to a paranoid bureaucracy and coolaid drinking public’.

  • August 3, 2017

    ok as disturbing as it is what the hell good will it do to put up a registry
    for violent crime offenders. we all know that registries only scaring and intimidate neighbors what is this going to do?.it will just become the same thing as the sex offender registry. this is just another false hope of protecting the community. and where will this money come from for this program. is there no hope for America. as a rso I have lost hope
    my offense happened in 1998 1count charged in 2005 off of probation
    in 2016 10years and 5mo. free from the state of florida and not.

  • August 3, 2017

    One big thing that I don’t like about criminal registries of any kind is that, for each new type of registry created, sex offender registries will appear more sensible/warranted to the average ignorant american.

    • August 4, 2017

      Very true RayO

  • August 3, 2017

    When you get the violence registry started let’s get a DUI registry going. How many children are killed each year in DUI accidents where the driver has previous convictions?


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