The Current Sexual Revolution

“Before I begin a discussion of our so-called current Sexual Revolution its important for you to know where I myself first encountered these life changing events.”

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay area and in the late 1960’s was my introduction to puberty. Sexual Freedom was all around me. Exploring yourself through Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll was considered the norm. When I look back now on this exploration, I find it much more profound than anything that is happening today! Let me explain;

When I was Fifteen and visiting cousins in Northern Washington State I went to my first big outdoor Rock Concert set on a Indian Reservation next to a scenic River. Surrounded by thousands of peace loving Hippies whom shredded clothing and danced away into the night from the likes of The Jefferson Airplane, my mind changed almost immediately to Society’s views of Sexuality. There was no commercialism, no violence and no cops. It was as tranquil of a scene that I could have ever imagined.

But exposing myself to such an event had its consequences. I began to rebel against basic laws as well as my parents. Does that sound familiar? So many of us remember these times as being a time of Freedom, a Freedom that may be forever gone.

My view on Sexuality today as seen through crass commercialization, social media and the Internet has me wondering what is in store for all of mankind. It seems that we have left behind Peace and Love in favor of Greed. Men, Women and Children are sold into advertising as Sexual objects like never before. And all happening in “real time” via Youtube, Facebook and Twitter. Sex is everywhere, within our mindset to buy perfume or a new truck!

I offer few solid solutions here, but a chance to reform. Changing the way Sex runs across our desks everyday is a difficult matter at task. In Director Barry Levinson’s Film “Poliwood”, he blames it all on TV! ( )

Frankly turning off TV is not going to happen but we can control our media exchange. Most low level Sexual Crimes are caused by perpetrators use of the Internet. Law Enforcement takes advantage of the Liberal Sexual attitudes in the Nation to setup Sex Stings. We have turned a Sexual Revolution into a long term Prison Sentence for many.

Now just asking for a date can turn you into a mug shot seen around the globe. I conclude that what we have now is a move to return to times when a person was marked for the rest of their lives for a crime. But we are also caught in a crossfire of prevalent sexuality everywhere we go. RSO’s are especially vulnerable because we alone wear that mark of our Offense. We have our own Sexual Revolution, a Revolution to make us all feel that our Sexual feelings need to be repressed and many Politicians offer castration as a solution. Is this a return to The Dark Ages?

Reform Groups such as FAC must at all costs fight against this repression.

~The fact that common traits of normal Sexuality has turned into dark images of the RSO brought on by hysterics and media hype ~ 

We need to band together to fight off the untruths and the misinformation and maybe, just maybe there is still a chance of returning to a Sexual Revolution that fights against violence and exploitation and sets the finest example of whom we are as a people and how we interact.

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