The Muddying of Legal Progress by Playing Politics with Sex Offenses

Weekly Update #34

Dear Members and Advocates,

The decision came down from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Gundy v. United States and the Court decided to affirm the lower court’s decision. We already posted an analysis on what this means to for us here in Florida (see: – and for those who don’t have time to read it, the short answer is: not much) so we won’t rehash our analysis here, but we will comment on something Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his separate concurring opinion that we found disturbing.

Rather than just add his name to the list of Justices who chose to affirm, Justice Alito felt compelled to write his own three-paragraph, one-pager, in which he wrote, “If a majority of this Court were willing to reconsider the approach we have taken for the past 84 years, I would support that effort.   But  because  a  majority  is  not  willing  to do that, it would be freakish to single out the provision at issue here for special treatment.” Why would he bother writing this?

We believe Alito is saying the same thing we’ve been hearing from politicians for years. They agree that what’s being done is wrong, but don’t want to commit political suicide by being the one to stand up for it. If they can blend into the crowd they will go along with it, but if it requires exposing themselves, they won’t. We understand that Herman Gundy is a very unsympathetic plaintiff, but wrong is wrong. By Alito saying, “it would be freakish to single out the provision at issue here for special treatment”, he is essentially saying, ‘bring me a case that doesn’t involve registrants and I could easily change my mind about this non-delegation thing’.

The frustrating thing is; this should have been the perfect case! As the Wall Street Journal described it, “A single official in the executive branch was given the power to impose requirements carrying severe criminal penalties on more than 500,000 Americans, and then to carry them out.” That is precisely why we have separation of powers!

Alito’s attitude is a reminder of just how important it is to change the public’s perception. Until we can do that, we cannot expect others to stand up if it will put a target on their backs. And another thing… we cannot expect others to stand up, if we are unwilling to stand up ourselves.

Stand up!


The Florida Action Committee

NOTE: FAC has prepared a resource flyer for persons required to register. The flyer is one page, double-sided  with information and resources on one side and myths and facts on the other. Refer to it for your own purposes, but if you have the ability, print out several copies and leave them at your local treatment provider or your County registration office.


  1. Meet and Greet in Lakeland on Thursday Jun 27th from 6-8pm.  Doors open at 5pm for mingle and meals before the meeting.
  2. Meet and Greet in St Pete on Sunday Jun 30th from noon-3pm, includes viewing of documentary “Untouchable.”
  3. Family Support session in Broward County Sat Jul 20th from 11am-1pm, facilitated by Dr. Jill Levenson and Shelly Kavanagh.
  4. Due to July 4th Holiday, the next Monthly Membership call will be on Thursday July 11 at 8pm.  Dial 319-527-3487 to participate.
  5. July New Member call will be on Thu Jul 18 at 8pm.   All members are welcome to call in to learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities, resources or just to meet other FAC members by phone.

For more information on events, email or call 904-452-8322.



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One thought on “The Muddying of Legal Progress by Playing Politics with Sex Offenses

  • June 27, 2019

    If that’s really what Alito meant , and I’m prone to agree, this country is in big trouble. If I were up for jury duty and made a statement like that , I would automatically be disqualified. No wonder Clarence Thomas is coming out so much trying to get public support in saying long standing decisions need to be looked at. Hopefully he also means they need to be changed.


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