14 thoughts on “Watch: Testimony on Florida SB 540 2019

  • March 17, 2019

    First she needs to give Mr Magoo back his glasses. Second since when did the word prostitution become “human trafficking”. Third I beleive it is the oldest profession in the world ask our current president.

  • March 16, 2019

    It is very disturbing that they voted so fast in support of this bill. Its for sure their way of getting revenue and monies from the federal government. Once again boosting the numbers on the registry for their financial gains. Inflating the registry even more. I wonder with all the money they put into these useless registry, could of already build part of that wall Trump was talking about. Useless funds that are lining the pockets of democratic parties like Lauren books. we need to drain the swamp here in Florida….

  • March 15, 2019

    I say pay close attention to those creating and pushing hard for these types of laws. I really think that is where we are more likely to find the predators and human traffickers. They may very well be doing this to create distractions, to keep the focus off of the true predators and human traffickers, which could be themselves or others they are covering for. Why else would they just ignore the facts that have shown that laws like this make things worse? People who truly care about helping others certainly don’t ignore things like that. No one who sooke in favor of the bill addressed that at all. That is very disturbing. 😣
    I did not hear any facts in any of the arguments that justify why this bill is needed. Other than: Human trafficking is a problem and we think this will help that problem. Seriously??? Where are the examples of how and why this would work? Where is the research that shows this works??
    One police officer pointed out that the research shows that sex buyers are deterred from buying sex if they are put on registeries. You mean these are normal people who are affected by consequences? Obviously they are not the dangerous ones because they learn from consequences. The real predators and human traffickers are dangerous sociopaths who are not affected by things like that. Those are the ones that everyone needs to be protected from. Those are the ones that should be targeted. What is being done to get them??? How does this law protect anybody from the real predators and human traffickers? These laws protect the real predators is what they do. That’s why I really believe these laws are being created and really pushed for by the predators and human traffickers themselves and by those who have an interest in protecting them. That’s the only thing that makes sense to me about all this.


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