Typical Scams & Extortion schemes aimed at Sex Offenders
Weekly Update #56
Dear Members and Advocates,
One of the benefits of regularly visiting our site or participating in our monthly member calls is access to information you need to avoid unknowingly violating a registration requirement or becoming a victim of the latest scam targeting persons on the registry. This newest scam is a particularly heinous one. Extortionists are using the registry as a mailing list to send personalized letters via US Mail, demanding payment of a monthly “confidentiality fee” or they threaten to share your registration information with neighbors, co-workers, family members’ contacts, etc. A copy of one of these extortion letters is posted on our site so you can see for yourself how twisted these people actually are.
By now, those who regularly read our newsletters know these scams are out there and expect them, but our mailing list is only comprised of a couple thousand people and there are more than seventy-six thousand people listed on the Florida registry. Can you imagine how terrifying it would be to receive a personalized letter like this in the mail and not be networked with anyone in this situation?
We need to look out for each other and we need to block the enrichment of those who prey on our population. For that reason, it’s not sufficient to just read about these scams and keep an eye out for them. We have to share this information with others on the registry. Let your local treatment provider know about the scam so they can inform their clients. Send a copy to your County registration office and insist they warn everyone that comes through of the scam. You can even send a copy to your local newspaper and ask them to write a story.
The added benefit of letting others know is we bring more impacted people into our organization. The more numbers we have the stronger our voice, the more volunteers we have, the more eyes on the street to keep us informed of these scams and other happenings in our communities, the more resources we have for resources and referrals, the more contributors we have for our legal challenges and the more of an impact we have when it comes to speaking with legislators.
The way we see it, we are building an army. Today’s battle was fighting back against this extortion scam and tomorrow’s battle might be correcting some misinformation in a news article, but with enough soldiers fighting we will ultimately get this registry repealed and then we will have won the war!
Join us for the Monthly Membership call Thursday November 7 at 8pm Dial 319-527-3487. Topic is “Travel Reminders: FL, US and International”.
The Florida Action Committee
Amazon Smile – select (FAC Outreach Partner “Justice Transitions in Sanford FL” as your charity. Make purchases using https://smile.amazon.com in order to be certain that Justice Transitions (and FAC members) benefit from your purchases.
Coming Soon – Holiday Fundraiser – “With Unity Comes Change” Apparel. Order your T-Shirts and Hoodies to support FAC Outreach projects.
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