SB 1798 “Sexually Related Offenses” heads to Governor’s Desk

SB 1798 has passed the Senate and is heading to the Governor for signature. The bill does the following: “Increasing the monetary damages that an aggrieved person may receive as a result of violations relating to sexual cyberharassment; revising the prohibition on sexual activities with animals; prohibiting the willful and malicious promotion of certain sexual depictions without consent; prohibiting a person from committing theft of sexually explicit images with the intent to promote such images, etc. ”


13 thoughts on “SB 1798 “Sexually Related Offenses” heads to Governor’s Desk

  • March 15, 2022

    Laura Book had pictures and videos leaked. Someone tried to extort her.
    A new bill was passed so that she can capitalize on her own careless acts.

    If you don’t want compromising videos of yourself seen by anyone, don’t take them.

    • March 15, 2022

      I agree with the second part but not the first. Respectfully, nobody should be victimized and I think her bill is reactionary, but not trying to capitalize on anything.
      Let’s set all speculation and judgement aside… she did have nude pictures of herself misappropriated and was threatened with extortion.
      I’m sure she would gladly forego everything to not have that happen. I’m sure she was horribly humiliated and this was a crime and she was a victim.

      Yes, she could or should have foreseen the risks and dangers of creating and sharing the images in the first place. Unfortunately something bad happened, which was the catalyst for this bill.

      Ideally, this is an opportunity to educate others on the risks and dangers of sharing images over the internet you would not want shared or intercepted. What should ideally come of this is education. Others should be warned about the risks inherent of transmitting nude images.

      • March 15, 2022

        Well, Lauren Book decided to conceal this event until she decided she needed to bring it up for this legislation, not unlike the gang-rape narrative.

        Does no one think it odd someone who is so open about her abuse narrative is so mum about other things until there is a law she needs to advance.

        It makes me wonder what her next revelation will be to justify her next legislation.


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