Information needed to share with FDLE
Two Florida Action Committee members are planning to meet with an FDLE representative in June. The Weekly Update that was recently emailed to members requested certain information be sent to us to present at our meeting with FDLE. We are also addressing the need in this post to gather all available information that we can.
- One of the topics that will be discussed is the discrepancies between the various county sheriff’s registration offices. Some offices follow the state statutes, but too many are adding their own rules that are not backed by statute. It is true that 943.0435 does add “provide any other information determined necessary by the department, including criminal and corrections records; non privileged personnel and treatment records; and evidentiary genetic markers, when available.” But keeping in line with the type of extra information listed in 943.0435, nothing is listed that suggests that some of the “extra” information that sheriffs’ offices are requesting is supported by statute, such as asking for the airport you are flying into or flight number for out-of-state travel. Please send us any information on your sheriff’s registration office showing that they are asking for information from you that is not required by statute. If you are unsure as to whether they are allowed to do so, please send it to us so that we can determine if they are following statute.
- In the Ex Post Fact II trial this past November, an FDLE agent testified under oath that FDLE always gives registrants a chance to fix a registration mistake and only arrest them as a last resort. We all know this is a false statement. Please send information to us if you experienced a situation where you or your family member made a “mistake” and were arrested without being given a chance to correct the mistake.
- FDLE also stated under oath that even though statute states that a report of change in your permanent, temporary, or transient residence must be made within 48 hours after the change, such changes can also be reported “before” the change of residence takes place. We need to know if anyone has tried to report a change in their permanent, temporary, or transient residence “before” the change occurred, and you were told you could only report it within 48 hours “after” the change.
Please send this information to or leave a message at 833-273-7325.
It would also be helpful if we know the county, but if you are uncomfortable with sharing your county, then it will not be necessary.
If you have already sent this information in the past to FAC, it is not necessary to send it again.
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“In the Ex Post Fact II trial this past November, an FDLE agent testified under oath that FDLE always gives registrants a chance to fix a registration mistake and only arrest them as a last resort.” We all know this is BS. Earlier this year, the sheriff’s office came to my house to do their check up and noticed a license plate that was incorrect due to my step dad renewing it and didn’t tell me. I immediately corrected it that day with the sheriff’s office and they still put out a warrant for me. By the grace of God the state of Florida gave me a time served plea deal. But nevertheless it’s all a crock of s***.
@Incognito – The time-served plea sound like you were actually arrested? I hope not, especially if you would affect your ability to get off of the registry one day. I also hope that you sent your experience to the email or phone number indicated in the post above, since we need evidence of these police transgressions. The only reason I haven’t had trouble with law enforcement is probably because I’ve removed myself from public life almost completely – staying locked in my house like a virtual prisoner.
Yes, unfortunately I was arrested.
When I was a cop, I always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. There was no registry when I was in law enforcement but if there had been and they tried to assign me to a registry detail, I would have quit on the spot.
When I was on probation, I had a very tough probation officer but she never once violated me. I got chewed out a few times but that was it. One time she called me and asked where I was. I said at Disney with a family member.
I was never told I could not visit a theme park with my family and she lost her @#$* over that. I thought for sure I was done with. There was nothing in my paperwork saying I could not go anywhere I pleased (At the time the registry had just come out 1997, in Florida).
Damn man, I was place on 2 years house arrest for a registry violation and successfully completed it no problem. But those 2 years I missed alot of time I could have spent with my kids outside the house. God has been good to me though. A wife, 2 babies and we bought a home 4 years ago. Keep on fighting brother. I’m patiently waiting for the system to crumble on itself.
State FDLE officials lying under oath is a big problem. Thank you FAC for holding these folks accountable!
Yes. 3 strikes law. And need to release the ones who took a plea they offered for lesser time and give them back probation and gain time since it’s a prison and not a hospital. Even the gaurds are confused as well as the nurse that is all they have. Noone mentioned civil commitment in any plea deal that they the State offered. When you took that plea deal. They are holding people against thiere will in a prison camp. It’s like the punishment of Jews. You can’t label someone and then commit them in case they Act up again. After they served thiere sentence. It’s against all Rules of Law.
Not sure why this comment is posted here, BUT, either you are:
1) A criminal who willingly and knowingly violated the law and as such should be sentenced to prison as punishment.
2) You have a mental illness and can’t control your actions and you should be remanded to a mental health treatment facility for care and hopefully reintegrated into society when deemed appropriate.
It is NOT appropriate to consider someone both. Either they can’t control themselves and need conundrum or they can and didn’t want to and need punishment. The state contradicts itself when it does both. But hey, we all know it’s all about punishment. They just don’t admit it or they wouldn’t be able to “justify it”.
Yes, read what happened to me in the comment above.