New FL law targets domineering HOAs

Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law a bill that prevents HOAs from banning contractors and workers from the homeowner’s property.

Previously a Florida HOA learned that a particular contractor was on the sex offense registry; he was banned by the HOA from doing work as a contractor in the entire community.  This contractor lost several valuable customers because of this banishment.


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8 thoughts on “New FL law targets domineering HOAs

  • June 17, 2024

    That “sex offender’ probably does a better job than any advertised company. And he won’t rape nobody.

  • June 13, 2024

    I left living in an HOA years ago. They’re given too much power and are nothing but a bunch of nazis. I can understand wanting the neighborhood to look nice but most of their rules go too far. The HOA I used to be in would literally go house to house with a ruler and measure the grass. If they deemed it too long they’d issue a fine. If you put your trash can on the curb before going to work and didn’t take it back off the curb within an hour of the garbage truck coming, you’d get a fine. You couldn’t have a family member or friend spend the night without approval. If you didn’t have your curtains open between 8 am and 5 pm, you’d get a fine for them not being able to see in your house. If you were doing a project in your garage and left your vehicle parked in the driveway, you’d get a fine.
    I got sick and tired of it. I sold my house and told them to shove their fines where the sun didn’t shine. I’ll never live in an HOA again. I keep my property looking nice, but I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone tell me what I can or cannot do.

    • June 13, 2024

      When I got out of prison, I felt if I could survive that, I could do anything. So I built up my credit history and bought my first home. It ended up being in an HOA neighborhood. The registry had just come out but it did not take long for the drama to start.

      After 4 hours, I decided to sell the house as the prices had skyrocketed and I got three times what I paid for it. (I Did remodel it all by myself). When I listed it, the inspector pointed out 4 small issues I needed to fix to pass the inspection.

      One was a 4 inch section of rotted wood I had missed so I began cutting it out, replacing it and painting it to blend it with the new wood. When the HOA president drove by and saw me doing work on my house without permission, he about lost his @#%&. He said he would fine me and I said go ahead since the house is sold so go away and bother someone else. I never again lived in an HOA community and never will again.

    • June 17, 2024

      HOA Comment: Turkey Creek Forest over 55 HOA, has a modest under $500 annual fee, own your own site, wooded among long-leaf pines 60 feet high keeps hurricane winds disrupted so your shingles stay on the roof, private road, fenced with municipal forest one side and auto part yard on the other. Can’t have everything.
      Safe acceptance of alternate life-style, by birth or preference or State mandated. Alachua County, Florida University Gator country. You’d be welcome and happy here.

  • June 12, 2024

    Not sure how there would be a contractor with a state license that’s a PFR they took mine away right away and told me there is no way to get it back

    • June 13, 2024

      @ Chewy

      Mine got taken away and next my passport. They take our freedom, our dignity and much more. What else can they take? I am sure they will find something else to: Oops, Punish us with.

  • June 10, 2024

    I haven’t read the actual statute so I’m not familiar with the details. I didn’t see anything in the article that mentioned PFR’s in connection with residents being able to hire contractors to work on their properties.
    I can only assume that the prohibition of HOA’s denying homeowners the right to hire the contractors of their choice extends to PFR’s. Big assumption though.

  • June 9, 2024

    I had that happen to me when I was a contractor. I had so much work I had to turn away customers. Then someone who recognized me ruined it for me and I got so much hate, I had to close my business. This was way before next-door, Facebook or almost all social media. So, imagine how fast you can be outed now that social media is almost instant.


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