SCOTUS overturns 40-year-old precedent

In 1984, the U.S. Supreme Court gave federal bureaucrats the flexibility to interpret the law when the language was unclear.  “That decision said “judges should defer to federal agencies in interpreting the law when the language of a statute was ambiguous, thereby giving regulatory flexibility to bureaucrats.”

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned this 40-year-old precedent.  Chief Justice John Robers wrote in the majority opinion, “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”  Many people felt that Gundy v. United States gave too much power to agency bureaucrats to interpret the law.

Chief Justice John Roberts said “that the ruling does not cast into doubt prior cases that relied on the precedent, but going forward lower courts ‘may not defer to an agency interpretation of the law simply because a statute is ambiguous.’”

Some people said that too much power was given to agencies to interpret the law, one such example being the power given to the Department of Justice in interpreting and implementing SORNA (Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act).  At issue: Did Congress violate the non-delegation doctrine when it passed the federal Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, giving the attorney general authority to issue regulations?  



8 thoughts on “SCOTUS overturns 40-year-old precedent

  • June 29, 2024

    It would appear that much of this registry is law enforcement putting others in jeopardy if one understands much of these trappings correctly. We can all talk about. This interpretation of language of law and the motive behind much of this registry sounds like someone is putting another in jeopardy. So why stand in jeopardy? Would any law enforcement agent worth their salt take advantage of another? That is not justice

    Oh yes they hold the sword and are established to do justice. Are plea deals or bargains a type of extortion? Facts and proof differ in many situations. Many people are coerced into plea deals which differ from plea bargains. In many of these sex registry ruses. Cohesion with wrong motivation on the part law enforcement is a downfall for true justice, or what is good and what is evil?


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