Putnam Sheriff’s new strategy to displace registrants: code violations

The Putnam County Sheriff’s office has a new tactic to try and rid its county of persons forced to register as sex offenders: code violations.

While local sheriff’s offices and police departments are tasked with ensuring individuals are compliant with registration obligations, The Sheriff  is taking it a few steps further and investigating any municipal code violations in the homes in which they lawfully live.

Today First Coast News reported that the Putnam County Sheriffs office had another trailer condemned and registrants displaced. Some registrants say they are now leaving the county because they are being targeted. It sure seems that’s the Sheriff’s goal.

While police usually spend their efforts investigating crimes, leaving code enforcement to building inspectors, not so in Putnam. Similarly, while code violations are normally issued notices and an opportunity to correct the violations, if you are a registrant, expect to have the property condemned and be ordered to leave immediately.

According to the article, PCSO, Major Steve Rose said this wasn’t a targeted attack but the result of a routine check. “when it was brought to our attention the level of concern from several people in the community, we took it upon ourselves to look at” he said.

However, the home that was condemned yesterday allegedly had an interior code violation.  How “several people in the community” were aware of a “code violation” inside another person’s home remains a mystery. Also, Josh Sharer, a resident who lives nearby, was quoted by First Coast News as saying, “It’s disgusting.I’m 19 and got three kids living down the road and I don’t want all these pedophiles staying next to my kid.”  (Note: the article does not explain how 19-year-old Josh Sharer was able to determine anyone had been diagnosed with pedophelia”). It sure seems like the several complaints the Sheriff took upon himself to look into had more to do with the people than the properties.

The tactic is reminiscent of the Nazi era’s “Judenrazzia”, the systematic raid, persecution and deportation of undesirable community members during the Holocaust

FAC is looking into the matter and will be issuing public information requests to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and to the City’s code enforcement department to determine whether these “community complaints” concerned the code violations at all, or whether the investigation was part of an effort to target these individuals.


11 thoughts on “Putnam Sheriff’s new strategy to displace registrants: code violations

  • March 10, 2025

    I’m wondering how a 19 year old, can have 3 kids? Unless 1 or 2 isn’t actually his, than something seems fishy. As far as the code violations, that’s not really the sheriff’s office responsibilities. That’s up to the city, and its department of housing. They seem to be stepping out of their department, and could potentially be ripe for a lawsuit.

  • March 10, 2025

    I sent DeCockroach an email stating “Your residency restrictions cause Persons Forced to Register to cluster” and that the only cesspool in his county is his own Gestapo police department. He isn’t happy with me LOL. I think it is laughable he thinks living in Putnam County is some kind of prize. This guy is a joke.

    Gator Deloach
    To: Derek Logue
    I hope you don’t kiss your mother with that foul mouth of yours. Florida isn’t a pedo paradise, so don’t plan to come here, you’re not welcome.

    Have a blessed day.

    Warm regards,

    Sheriff H.D. “Gator” DeLoach
    Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
    130 Orie Griffin Blvd.
    Palatka, FL 32177

  • March 7, 2025

    Unless they own those trailers outright, any housing code violations are the owner’s problems, not those residing in them. I can see a big issue being made out of this by the owner against LE on their conduct and method here.

  • March 7, 2025

    Thank you FAC for looking into this.

    • March 11, 2025

      Sounds like a “good ole boy syndrome” Highlands county has the same syndrome. I also believe it is very illegal unless these individuals were causing problems and with all due respect Sheriff just because these people are labeled sex offenders don’t make them pedophiles so maybe you should educate yourself sir. Some sex offenders never actually. touched anyone they were set up by law enforcement.


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