City Ordinances and What to Expect
“Your Case is over, the Courts have spoken, you have been sentenced and you are abiding by all State Laws in accordance to your crime.” Shouldn’t that be enough to please the Government?
Depending on the State you live, County and City Governmental bodies such as City Councils managed sometimes and many time’s not by Mayor’s Offices are adapting new so-call City-Wide Ordinances to further protect their Citizens. After exhausted research on this subject here are my conclusions:
Prior to the reign of the World’s greatest Criminal Adolph Hitler, he formed support groups in all of the major Cities in Germany. These groups were made up of militia’s posing as citizen’s that voted between themselves on measures from getting work permits, gun ownership to segregation of Classes and Nationalities. These groups lest to say turned into Hitler’s secret Police known as the S.S.. They were no less than vigilante groups that took crime and punishment into their own hands and made up their own policies and laws to protect themselves in doing so.
Does this sound familiar with America’s own City Council’s that make up crazy laws? Take for example; “In Shasta, California there is a City-Wide smoking ban on tobacco, although smoking pot in small quantities is allowed and in Deadwood, Montana you cannot carry a holstered Firearm into a bar at dusk.
Now lets talk about how these Ordinances made up by its own Citizens relate to Sex Offender Laws.
In the County I reside in, I cannot permanently reside within 2500 feet of a school or a park although I’m allowed to go to the park and attend the school! This is a perfect example of a Vigilante Mentality using Politics to make up local laws that are in conflict to our already tough State Laws. Local ordinances actually do not make the citizen any safer but hinder the chances for Rehabilitation and re-entry into Society by RSO’s.
For myself here in Florida, the area I live around has a large Golf Course that because of financial problems the City is now managing. There is a proposal to turn the golf course into a wildlife refuge and park. So therefore if the Line is drawn for the Park and my home is within 2500 feet, I have to leave. I asked my Congressman and he reviewed State Law and said that would only apply if you resided in the same home before the Ordinance and Residential Restriction went into effect and not after. Does that make any sense either as my status as a RSO has not changed?
There is widespread Unconstitutional Laws made up by its Citizens that many times have no prior political Office experience. Without question Councils such as these are becoming more like the ( HOA ) Home Owner Associations that make up their own rules without vote for the so-called good of the Community.
The civil challenging of these insane Laws must come from within the groups they affect the most. Registered Citizens must stand up and be heard. FAC has legally challenged several of these Ordinances and cannot survive without our Support. If you hear or are threatened with a Ordinance that you do not understand, FAC is a great place to ask questions and even get legal support in some cases.
So before you are forced to move, lose a job or simply are told where to go and when, we can fight these local laws and more importantly draw attention to laws authored out of media hysteria and untruths. Don’t let a City Ordinance ruin your life, America is not NAZI Germany even though how irrational our Citizen Groups seem to be acting these days.
Creating a bonifide Law that is direly needed is one thing, making up Laws without any real legal grounds and majority support is a threat to all!
Next Topic: Megan’s Law goes International
Disclaimer: JEV is currently a Florida based RSO. These are personal viewpoints and are not be used as Legal information in any Court of Law. “True Confessions” is a column designed to give out constructed information as well as criticism in the fight for reformation of Sex Offender Laws.
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I think your movement is great and would like to get involved. I feel some parental involvement
and education is a good place to start.
Bob, Please contact and let her know you would like to get involved. With 2017 legislative session here, we are in need of as many hands as possible.