12 year old girl in Florida arrested for pinching boy's butt
Cosmopolitan Magazine features this story about a 12 year old Seminole County girl being arrested for pinching a boy’s butt.
Now we all agree that children should be taught boundaries and that there should be consequences for inappropriate behavior, but have we gone too far?
The article quotes the girl as saying, “If I don’t do the community service, I might be known as a sex offender when I’m 18, so, like, it’ll mess up my world to be honest,” Breana told WFTV.”
Certainly the 12 year old learned her lesson, but what other lessons has she learned? Possibly that people can get thrown onto the registry for some pretty benign stuff, like a middle-school prank, so how serious is the registry anyhow?
This is insanity!!
In fact I am concerned that if Joushua wasn’t brother of a victim of a henious crime and Kaitlin’s case would gave not gotten outcry from gay activists the outcome would be prison in both cases as Florida, particularly in exurb an counties have tendencies saying it doesn’t matter if you are 18 or 48 the younger partner is only 14 and you are over 18. (ironically they have tendency to charge minors 14 or older as adults for any felony that was committed intentionally violent or not so all of the sudden they know right from wrong)
If Caitlin Hunt was a boy there still should have been no prison time. This was younger and older teen having sex. Doesn’t matter if younger was only 14. I am glad Joshua Lunsford got probation too instead of prison. The same is here a boy should not have been arrested here either.
Equal right. If it was a boy he would be arrested as well. In fact many have been. The girl who had sex with an underage female got nothing. This needs to go both ways and maybe someone will do some thing
Double-standards ought to be corrected, but correcting them in the wrong direction is worse than doing nothing.