Loophole in Florida sex offender law draws call for change

NAPLES, Fla. — A Golden Gate Estates woman whose stepfather molested her was horrified to learn he had moved into a house less than a mile from an Orlando elementary school.

“It hit me like a ton of bricks,” Christin Olsen said. “It slapped me in the face.”

A Florida law banning sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a school was enacted in 2004, but that law doesn’t automatically apply to those convicted before then. It was in 2002 that a jury delivered a guilty verdict against Kenneth Ford, Olsen’s stepfather.

Ford molested Christin Olsen for five years, beginning when she was 9. He served less than 15 years in prison before his release and before he purchased his new home.

“His front yard is the sidewalk to the school,” said Stephen Olsen, Christin’s husband. “His backyard bumps up to the playground. He is surrounded by children.”

It’s a situation that could play out anywhere in the state.

“Its sickening,” Christin Olsen said. “I lose sleep over it.”

The Olsens have a child of their own who’s a major reason why Christin is determined to close the loophole. She started a petition to have the law changed to cover sex offenders convicted prior to 2004, and she plans to take up the issue with Collier County commissioners. Some counties, like Miami-Dade, have already enacted municipal codes to stiffen the law.

“My child deserves it. Our children deserve it,” she said. “They deserve better than the current laws that are in place.”

6 thoughts on “Loophole in Florida sex offender law draws call for change

  • February 6, 2017

    Schools have nothing to do with recidivism. Its a myth.. perpetrated by horribe neo con politicians that think they will get somewhere by instituting new sex offender laws. Almost all sexual molestation cases are committed by friends and family of the victims. These ordinances are senseless as well as needless and won’t deter sexual offenses against children.

    • February 7, 2017


  • February 6, 2017

    sex offender laws are already too much as it is towards those whose crimes were before certain laws. its post del facto and illegal and yet being perpetuated against people whose crimes could have been many years ago and even no violence in nature, and even if they never committed any other crime again, they are labeled for life.
    if you serve your time, you should be done. murderers don’t get more and more heaped onto them afterwards. What this man did was for sure a crime, but he did his time and if he has no history of repeating his crime why should she be so upset worrying he might do a crime because he lives close to a school? She might perpetuate a crime against a minor as well, because victims often become the perpetrator. You cant punish people for what you are afraid they may do. you cant punish white christian southerners because they may burn a cross, or a muslim because they may bomb a building or a thief because he may rob again, or a drunk because he may drink again. she needs counseling far more than more laws and closed loopholes are needed!!

    • February 6, 2017

      Well put.

      • February 7, 2017

        Very well said !

    • February 7, 2017

      This is what I’ve been saying!!! The point of the ridiculous laws is the insane idea that they will prevent repeat offenses so why don’t they apply this illogic to all “crimes?” Because it’s illogical in ALL cases. All these laws really do is attempt to make those who live in fear feel safer…it’s totally mental…and put tons of money in the pockets of corporate owned prisons and jails and the affiliate businesses. It gives the satanic government more power over more people while thieving their constitutional rights. That’s it, that’s all. But then again, this is the same satanic government that is allowing sodium fluoride (made from processed aluminum) to be dumped in public water supplies in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution which prohibits medicating via the public water systems. It’s truly an epically screwed up system.


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