NBC2 Investigation: Convicted killers living in Southwest Florida

Here’s a story that asks the question we’ve been asking for a while. Why is there a registry of sex offenders but no registry of murderers? If someone, 20 years ago, had consensual sex with an underage partner when they were 18, you’d know they were living next door to you. You’d get the flyers, you’d see the police cars in front of their house for their monthly address check, you’d hear the whispers and finger pointing of all the neighbors and you would note the absence of any holiday decorations even thought they have children.

So why is it that someone can be released after serving time for murder and can move right next door to you (or anywhere they want) without any notification or restriction? Wouldn’t you want to know if the person next door had the capacity to kill people? Wouldn’t you want to know they were a drug dealer before you let your kids play in the yard? How about; before asking your neighbor to keep an eye on your house for you while you are out of town, wouldn’t it be useful to know if they were a burglar?

The re-offense rate for sex offenders is VERY low – single digits low. Drug crimes; 76.9%. Property crimes; 82.1%. And that’s based on Bureau of Justice Statistics!

So here’s an article from a South Florida news station, NBC2 asking that question… let’s see if they can dig up any answers.

The NBC2 Investigators have uncovered that more than 100 convicted first-degree murderers, released on parole, are now living in Florida neighborhoods — next to neighbors who have no idea of their past.

Unlike the sex offender notifications you can sign up for,  you are not getting notifications when a convicted killer moves in next door.

The NBC2 Investigators found out that the state is not required to notify you when a murderer is released.

We found there are six convicted first-degree murderers on parole in Southwest Florida. Four live in Lee County, and two live in Charlotte County.


4 thoughts on “NBC2 Investigation: Convicted killers living in Southwest Florida

  • March 31, 2017

    I think based on the bible that we should be alerted if sodomites move into the neighborhood. We know how subtly dangerous they can be. Anyone remember obama and his “queen” Michael?

    • March 31, 2017

      And they said good satire died with Mark Twain! Kudos to you, Helmuth Bott for keeping that branch of comedy alive!

  • February 18, 2017

    the tide is oh so slowly beginning to turn…. the peanut gallery is starting to get it. i’ve often wondered if we changed our strategy a bit and began pushing for the registration of everyone for everything – that way it will become obvious to more and more people, on a very personal level, how ridiculous and ineffective this whole scheme really is. Yeah, let’s push for scarlet lettering murderers so that not only do you have a murderer living next door, now he’s a really pissed off murderer – that sounds safe!

  • February 14, 2017

    Don’t think you’ll find another category of offender that would comply.


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