New Bills filed in FL Legislature

The following are some new bills filed in the legislature, along with FAC’s position on these bills.

SB 286 HB 665

A Bill to be entitled:An act relating to human trafficking education in schools.

This bill outlines the inclusion within heath education in schools the information used by those who seek to engage and recruit our youth into human trafficking.

I support. I would like it to be inclusive of education to empower all to recognize signs of offending or grooming of potential victims for sexual purposes.


HB 287  No senate Companion yet

A Bill to Be entitled: An act relating to Criminal sentencing.

This bill is regarding sentencing guidelines. It changes the language from mandatory on sentencing guidelines to recommended. It allows Judges some digression. It gives them the ability to sentence below guidelines by requiring they given a written explanation of the mitigation facts which lead to their decision. It also allows them to go above guidelines with the same caveat. It also remove a judges ability to place sentences which accrue a number of years beyond life. It has to state life not 350 years.

Support in theory.


HB 337 SB 870

Interesting; as this bill requires any device which allows connectivity (access) to the internet to be equipped with a software to block obscene material. Should you want access to this material it requires one to pay a fee to have it disabled. The funds would be collected by the retailer and paid to the government. It also allows the retailer to add an additional fee for the service. I find it also concerning that if you are requesting the disabling of this block are they collecting and keeping your information? Are they then sharing that with the government? Does this then allow them to look at your status of registration?

I believe this is censorship.



SB 458 HB 387

A bill to be entitled: An act relating to The Florida Criminal Justice Reform Task Force

This is to create a task force to review all Criminal Justice Policy with a goal of reform. As I can see thus far it doesn’t specifically carve out any policies dealing within our population. I think its important legislation and one we should support and promote the inclusion of policies dealing with our population and pushing for an empirically driven reset… Those who sit on this task force should include an expert researcher (Jill Levenson) and expert treatment provider (Jill Levenson) I also believe we need a seat at the table.



HJR 565 No Senate Companion

House Joint Resolution: A resolution proposing an amendment to Section 4 of Article IV of the State of Florida Constitution to automatically restore voting rights of convicted felons after a specified time.

EXCELLENT BILL! This deserves complete support as written. It restores civil rights of all felons automatically 3 years after all court ordered sanctions are completed… I.E. Prison, probation, community service or parole.



HB 381 SB 1024

A bill to be entitled: an act relating to public records; creating s.420.6231,F.S.; creating a public record exemption For individual identifying information.

This bill I support fully. It exempts certain information from the public records regarding those who participate in Point In Time Count surveys regarding homelessness data.



SB 684 HB 701

A bill to be entitled: A bill to be entitled 2 An act relating to Internet identifiers; amending s. 3 775.21, F.S.; revising the definition of the term 4 “Internet identifier”; defining the term “social 5 Internet communication”;

We reject this rewrite of the Internet Identifier bill which is currently being litigated in Northern District of Florida’s Federal Court. It still chills speech. It does make some modifications but doesn’t go far enough. this bill is still retrospective instead of prospective. It doesn’t allow for due process and is applied to all.


SB 686 HB 699

An act relating to public records; amending s.119.071, F.S.; defining terms; requiring that electronic mail addresses and Internet identifiers of sexual predators or sexual offenders reported pursuant to specified laws be exempt from public record requirements unless otherwise ordered by a court; providing applicability; providing construction; providing for future review and repeal of the exemption; providing a statement of public necessity; providing a directive to the Division of Law Revision and Information; providing a contingent effective date.

I fully support this bill. It exempts the public disclosure of internet identifiers unless in specific circumstances.


6 thoughts on “New Bills filed in FL Legislature

  • February 22, 2017

    Although HJR 565 seems great (and I would be so happy if it passes) I cannot imagine it not including the exclusion of RSOs. That is what they have done in the past….I hope not but…

    • February 23, 2017

      Karen – there is no reference to exclusions. Also, you can read the full bill online at

      • February 27, 2017

        Well that would certainly be a good thing!

  • February 21, 2017

    The donations made for the Federal law suit on the Ex post facto legal challenge,are those tax deductible ?

  • February 20, 2017

    Are you prepared to fight the new internet identifier bill if it passes?

    • February 20, 2017

      Yes – we have a current case pending.


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