Putnam County’s “Sex Offender Compliance” Specialist
You know how humiliating they are. The monthly “address verification” visits from police. You’re years off probation and haven’t had a single brush with the law since, but still the police show up at your doorstep to “verify” that you’re living or working where you’re supposed to.
If you live in a municipality with some class or discretion, they will show up in an unmarked or regular police car. After all; they realize that to the least extent they disrupt your housing or employment, the more likely you’ll be able to live a law-abiding life.
If you live in a municipality that’s clueless about restorative justice, they will show up in one marked “Special Victims Unit” or wearing complete swat gear. There’s no other way, after all, to paint the picture in your neighbor’s mind that you could potentially have an abducted kid in your closet.
Putnam County, Florida found a way to one-up the level of sadistic punishment by putting “Sexual Offender Compliance” on the side of their cars.
This way they will ensure you lose your job or that your wife and children are humiliated to the point of suicide whenever the car pulls in front of your house.
I have been off of any sort of supervision for 7 years without even a minor hiccup. When I look they the paper I sign every six months, the only thing I see is that I’m required to respond within 3 weeks to FDLEs written notice. I haven’t seen anything where I’m required to open the door to the county sheriff for a compliance check. While I don’t thinking rocking the boat is the best idea, are we required to respond to these unannounced visits? The last several have been a 4am wake up with an officer in swat style tactical gear.
That’s unreasonable and you should file an administrative complaint. There is no reason they should be showing up at your door at 4AM.
They do have the right to do address verification, and we also don’t suggest rocking the boat, but 4 AM is completely absurd.
I’m looking to buy a house in interlachen Florida and my husband is listed as a sex predator he has done five years in prison 10 years probation he doesn’t have no stipulations by the court or anything else is there any stipulations in Putnam county that says you can’t live without and feet from a school bus stop or anything like that
maybe we could all chip in and rent a bill board for a few months very close to this sherrif’s office as well as his home and have a picture of a pig and a picture of this cop kissing each other
I do believe that there are enough Registered Citizens now in the USA, That if we all got together and Started some kind of movement, We would be heard !!!. Things are out of control now, And there only gonna get worse !! Everything being done to us is a direct violation of our CONSTITUTION, And I really believe we “AS A WHOLE” could do something !!. Fax is doing a AWESOME job, And I thank them from the bottom of my heart. But I think it’s time we stood up for ourselves !!. I’ve been to embarrassed to do anything up to now. But I fear if I/We don’t do something very soon, We will all end up Locked Up somewhere against our will !!!. I’ve paid my debt, And paid severely !! All because of being lied to !!! The victim even admitted she lied, And also did it to two other guys !!!. But she walked free and mine as well as 2 other guys lives are RUINED FOREVER !!. It’s time we did something before it’s too late !!!. There is enough Registered Citizens in just Florida that if we stood together, Someone would have to listen !!!!.
I agree with you whole heartedly, and I would be more than glad to join that fight, but here’s the thing most SOs are not willing to rock the boat, so to speak, they are just too compliant and afraid they will go back to prison because some cop has a bad day and begins to harass them. We as SOs are not protected by constitutional rights. Case in point, 9yrs ago I was sitting in my house when 6 bullet came flying through my house and missed my head by 2 feet, I ran outside, saw the truck, license # and the people who did the shooting. I told the cops all the information, they asked for my D L and they saw down in the right hand corner my F.S. # and the cop said “not much we can do now, but we’ll let you know when we know something more”, Not one word from the in 9 yrs. So what’s it going to take to get all registered offenders off their butts and help in the fight. If anyone knows… will you please tell me?
G.W. If someone shot up your home because of your registrant status, we’d be very interested to hear about that. Please contact legal@floridaactioncommittee.org.
Then they wonder why there are so many recent attacks on police! with crap like these SOB’s are pulling wounder no more. When one has nothing more to lose they become very dangrous. Unfortuntally with crap like this imo it will take some blood shed until people like this SOB learn the hard way!
Unwise to even express such a thing. Injustices must be redressed and FAC is a good vehicle to explore that. I understand your point but …
I agree that this is nothing more than a re-election stunt by the local sheriff and as with most all of this “security theater” it does nothing to increase safety and is a gross and dangerous injustice to us all.
So…is there a possibility that the ACLU might take legal action there?
Couldn’t we all combine our efforts and file a lawsuit for defamation of character ?? I know it’s not much, But maybe it would get the ball rolling towards something ?????. This is just absolutely ludacrist !!!! There’s no other reason than pure embarrassment. It’s another way to try to force an EX Offender out of the county. I’ve always wanted to fight, But been to embarrassed to want my face plastered across the TV. But I’m almost at the point to say the heck with keeping my head down!!!. If enough of EX Offenders got together, I truly believe something could be done ,!!!!!!. Who’s ready to fight this crap ??? Who’s with me ???
This is so dangerous to an offender and his or her family. How embarrassing it would be for my child. The neighbors who she goes to school with would all know. How would she live that down at school. Why should she be punished for my registration. I couldn’t imagine this vehicle pulling up to my work or home. My employer would have no choice but to let me go, and living in my neighborhood would become dangerous to me and my family.
Very dangerous!
I also had adjudication withheld….unfortunately in the sex crime laws it doesn’t seem to matter at all. Not a damn bit. In any other crime it would be the difference between a lifetime of labeling or not, but not with us.
I have reaped 0 benefits of having adjudication withheld, that I know of. Aside from supposedly not being a felon. But they make you register like that anyway.
So sad.
My son is also AW. At the time of his sentencing his lawyer was so clueless he told us that this was a good thing and he could later be expunged – not so in FL. The one good thing about it that I tell my son is that you retain your civil rights. This means you can still vote and I encourage you to do so. You can make your vote count for all the RSOs that cannot.
I’m also ajudacation withheld !!. Wasn’t required by the Judge to even register !!. Never served 1 day in prison !! , Sentenced to 6 years Probation. Probation Officer tried to Violate me for not registering, After the violation didn’t stick, She(Probation Officer) went behind my back and registered me herself !!!. Then during my 3 years of Probation (early termed at 3 yrs), She violated me 7 TIMES over lies she told. I beat EVERY violation. BUT when getting off Probation, The Judge informed me that I was NOW CONVICTED as a Felon !! I could of stayed on probation and tried to figure it out, But instead I wanted off that day !! (Who wouldn’t !!!). We’ll after getting off Probation, I went to several Lawyers to try to get my record fixed. They all wanted $25K to fight this case because I had so many times in court. I was in court fighting the system every month !! Every time my P.O said no, I went to court. So I had 2 files and each was a FOOT thick !!!. Needless to say, I couldn’t afford the Attorney Fees. It’s been 7 years since I ended probation. And no it’s been to long and I can’t fight it !!!. I wasn’t told that I only had 2 years to fix whatever I wanted to fix, So now I’m stuck as a Felon and I’m not one !!. I have proof of Adjucation Witheld !!!!. But my file says I’m Convicted !! . And there’s nothing I can ever do now to change it !! Florida is crooked and ruins people’s lives without even blinking !!.
Karen is right. There is a major benefit to ‘adjudication withheld.’
You are a voter.
Please don’t squander it.