3 thoughts on “Drone Bill Re-introduced this year

  • March 3, 2017

    Drones? DRONES?? What human being on the registry gives a damn about drones? So because 1 out of 50,000 registrants happens to be a pervert that may use drones for whatever devious purposes, this ‘label of people’ deserves a ‘special clause’ in a bill? This country’s biggest threat in 2017 is terrorism and STUPIDITY, especially stupidity within positions of power.

  • March 3, 2017

    So is this going to be another retroactive rule, applying to sp’s convicted 30 years ago? Really how many people are out there using drones to spy on kids. Come on get real.
    Charles you are so right.
    Oh and just wait till channel 9 wftv gets wind of this 😂 Then all the sudden every guy owning a drone is hunting kids. Smh😧

  • March 3, 2017

    What about model airplanes? This whole thing about restricting sex offenders to participation in normal life is ridiculous. We have too many legislators who need to find a life of their own.


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