Male Teacher at Oakleaf High (Florida) arrested on sex charge

A 25-year-old teacher at Oakleaf High School faces a sex charge after he was arrested Tuesday amid an investigation into inappropriate text messages reported by a student’s parent, according to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.

Authorities interviewed the girl, whose age was not listed, and she told them there was a relationship that ended this month. She said the two had sex a “handful of times,” usually in her car at the school’s baseball field in June and July, according to the arrest report. She said they also had sex at the man’s brother’s house.

Franzese was hired in 2016 after a background check that included a screening with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, FBI and the FDLE sexual offender and predator registry, according to the district. All instructors in the district are also screened in the Department of Education database for past disciplinary action.


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9 thoughts on “Male Teacher at Oakleaf High (Florida) arrested on sex charge

  • August 11, 2017

    Poor guy living life totally clueless about the society around him. I too was a teacher when I was arrested so I can certainly relate. It never turned physical but the person I was chatting with was a guy! Double whammy!! I’ll state the obvious. He’s not a predator, he’s 25, horny and stupid. All he did is what every grown man fantasizes about. A run through of the most popular porn titles of the month will easily prove that. And yet the way over dramatic reaction and public stoning when someone actually does it!? Doesn’t anyone find that a bit strange?? …….. Who rights these laws, again? Oh yeah, old, straight, horny, closet porn-watching white men. Might be time to start calling this what it really is….

  • August 11, 2017

    In my opinion (and I know this is not the popular view) you can change the laws every which way you want BUT you cannot change the humans. The registry does nothing except punish people infinitely for either being plain human or making a horrible mistake. It does not prevent crime in any form nor does it keep anyone safe. Let’s be real here – the above behavior in the article for the majority of human existence was not considered criminal or deviant. In fact, it would have been considered consensual sex between 2 adults. Our ideas about what constitutes a “child” have changed and so the laws changed with that – but it is a societal view only.

  • August 11, 2017

    Normal Behaviour Throug out the entire history of humankind. Except for last thirty years

  • August 10, 2017

    He’s a male? This is Florida? They’re going to throw the book at him. If this was a female teacher she’d get probation. Nothing to see here people, only a severely screwed up Justice system.

  • August 10, 2017

    The tragedy for this young lady is the fact that “The Scarlet Letter” did not protect her or her family from the true threats to the children/daughters of our society. Perhaps instead of punishing folks whose crimes and sentences are decades old, or those who were deemed dangerous beyond words for urinating behind a dumpster, psychological testing in certain professions should be required pre-hire. Even those fail; police officers are convicted of sex-crimes and do go through pre-hire psychological screening. SO laws do not work! They simply prove that America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. America is governed by pandering politicians elected by pant-pissing citizens who give up liberty itself in the hope that doing so will keep them safe. Hogwash!

    • August 10, 2017

      100% Correct !! Just proof that the “Registery” does NOTHING TO PROTECT ANYONE !!!. People on the Registery DONT REOFFEND !!(COMPARED TO OTHER CRIMES) !!!. The Registery is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY AND TIME !!!. And if you really wanted to know the Truth !!! I honestly believe that Children are SAFER around MOST ExOffenders !! Because ExOffenders KNOW WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN IF THEY SCREW UP AGAIN !!!!!. I don’t know if anyone has ever brought this up ?? But the Harsh reality really is that Children are SAFER AROUND A ExOffender than being around someone that’s not !!!!. Someone should start a study about this very thing !!!. Actually I think I’m gonna start spreading this Fact !! ANYONE with Half a Brain knows I’m 100% CORRECT !!!!!.

      • August 10, 2017

        ^ I’ve suspected the same and it makes perfect sense.

      • August 10, 2017

        Perhaps Americans will realize their own logic regarding firearms as it applies to SO Registry: Those who abide by this constitutional abomination are obviously not planning to hurt anyone, just like strict firearm laws do not prevent those determined to use them with ill intent.

        2nd Amendment upheld every time.
        5th Amendment not so much.

        America thus far revers naught but a Constitution of convenience. Breaks my heart.

      • August 17, 2017

        You are so totally correct. How to go about a study like this would be daunting if not impossible. We should start with the 2016 FDLE findings. We have the studies and they all support our cause. What we need is “money” to fight the big guys and the attorneys to do the work. As we gain momentum, these things are happening and should continue.


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