Sex Offenders Set Up Camp in NW Miami-Dade
A tent community in northwest Miami-Dade is a place people call home but it’s not a place most of them would want to live.
The community is the last resort for people like Bret, who would only give his first name.
“Absolutely not, I wouldn’t even come into this part of town if I didn’t have to be here,” he told NBC 6 Monday. “I was released from state prison on February 21. I am a registered sex offender”
County restrictions on where registered sex offenders are allowed to live has many of them at the industrial area near Northwest 71st Street and Northwest 36th Avenue.
“This situation is unconscionable and needs to be closed down,” said Ron Book, the chairman of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust.
Book said he and others are working to relocate those who call the place home. Miami-Dade County officials say the businesses there have said enough is enough.”
“These folks that have businesses here, they’ve put up with this for several years, people eating out here, throwing their garbage, people urinating and defecating in public, it creates a health hazard for them and the businesses and property owners,” Book said.
“Yes, we do have definitely concerns but we are working on mitigating those concerns as we speak but the main issue here is to try to relocate,” said Lillian Rivera, with the Florida Department of Health.
County workers will be out explaining the resources that are available and working to encourage this community to break down in coming days.
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Copy and paste this weeks FAC Weekly update to the link on Channel 6. It tells the public the EXACT story of Ron Book and Sen. Lauren Book and the Registered Citizens beginning with the Tuttle Bridge.
Please don’t miss this opportunity. It’s our change to out Ron Book for the perpetrator he is AND it will let the public know about the REAL motives of Lobbyist Ron Book and Sen. Lauren Book
Someone should do this.
“working to encourage this community to break down in coming days.” OMG
That’s lousy A$$….You have ti have a Facebook account to post a comment
“Book said he and others are working to relocate those who call the place home. Miami-Dade County officials say the businesses there have said enough is enough.”……….that has to be the most laughable and more absurd statement I’ve heard. Laughable in the fact that if anyone thinks Ron Book is actually trying to help these people, should go get their head examined. And absurd in the fact that he’s the main one responsible for creating this problem, and now he wants to come and be the “helper.” Gimme a break. That’s total insanity. Create a the problem of homelessness, so you can remain on your little homeless trust board and reap the benefits of that, I’m assuming there’s financial benefits to it, and then try and make yourself look like the hero for finding them a place to go now. Ridiculous. God doesn’t like ugly, and this man will get his just reward one day. The Bible says “Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord.” Romans 12:19
Everyone needs to post these comments on the Herald’s site.
You’re preaching to the choir here. Let the pubic know!!!
I have been aware of this situation for more years than I care to admit. The problem is a result of the stringent residency restrictions which were created by the legislative body in Florida, the county commissioners and Mr. Books lobbying for policies which now after years and years have no affect on the stated goal of preventing sexual abuse. In fact I have personally met multiple times over the years with many who have the power to fix this, but they continue to focus on the emotionally driven poor policies which do NOTHING. The Florida Action Committee, has filed a formal complaint just recently with the county, state and departments of health an public safety as there is nothing being done about this situation which has now grown to over 200 people being registered to these railroad tracks as a temporary address. It’s inconceivable that as a “civilized society “, we would allow humans to exist in such squalor.
There is not one expert globally who will stand by residency restrictions for this population as a matter of management nor prevention, yet the legislative bodies insist on perusing this policy as a means of misinformation to the general public. It’s a feel good policy which creates not only a false sense of security but also prevents people from learning and understanding that almost 98% of offending occurs in the home or by someone known to the victim or victims family. Over 95% of offenders are first time offender so none of these policies including the requirement to register as a sex offender applied to them before they were identified and convicted of an offense.
Pointless waste of tax dollars which could and should be used for public education, awareness and true prevention.
Ms. Gail, thank you for all you do to bring a sense of understanding, this is definitely a very difficult task. I wonder where the gap exist that those who kill children see an end to their punishment, but one who never produce, never search, nor distribute CP image when in fact not knowing what would come up after clicking a link is shut out for life. Unfair, but no, it is not just “emotions” is a money matter.
Just posted it on the website that was linked in the story.