A Plethora of Senseless Bills in Florida aimed at Sex Offenders
Weekly Update 2018-01-10
Dear Members and Advocates,
As this year’s legislative session kicks into gear, there are many bills recently introduced that will be on our radar. Senator Lauren Book has just put out a bunch of proposed bills that will require attention. Among them are:
SB 1214 – Creates a rebuttable presumption of dangerousness to a child if a parent has a CP Conviction in their history. Increases the Penalties for CP offenses.
SB 1226 -Sets Mandatory minimum terms of supervision for registration violations and includes electronic monitoring. Reduces the period of time before one must register a permanent or temporary residence from 5 to 3 days.
SB 1502 -Establishes a 10 year mandatory minimum for crimes which are considered “Human Trafficking”
She also proposed a bill to criminalize “sex dolls” that look like children and another bill to create a task force (to include a lobbyist…hmmm) to investigate the complaints of sexual harassment among politicians in Tallahassee. Why don’t these complaints just get referred to the police to investigate? Seems there’s a strong push to keep the complaints internal and protect the politiciafloridaactionns.
The bill that creates a rebuttable presumption of dangerousness to a child if a parent has a history of a CP offense is particularly concerning, because it could effectively take children out of their families decades after an offense even when the child had nothing to do with the offense. It was a bill that she introduced last year but did not pass.
As these bills were only filed days ago, please stay tuned for a more comprehensive update on what was filed, our position and what actions FAC and our members will be taking to advocate against their passage.
STEP UP: We need Volunteer(s) to join the Legislative committee. Must have online access, be able to track the Bills in the House and Senate, summarize the content of the bills, keep the Chair informed the status of each bill, and help to coordinate a Member Call-To-Action to reach Legislators. If you are interested in volunteering for this critical support, please email info@floridaactioncommittee.org. The more volunteers that we have watching, the quicker we can take action!
The Florida Action Committee
Reminder: New Member Call Orientation call will be on Thursday Jan 11th at 8:00 PM. Everyone is welcome to call in to learn more about the FAC organization and how you can be an effective member.
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