The Hill: The Sex Offender Registry: Vengeful, unconstitutional and due for full repeal
The following is an EXCELLENT article published in The Hill.
The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that at least 95 percent of all state prisoners will be released from prison at some point. However, convicted sex-offenders almost exclusively face the vengeful, additional punishment of registration under the Sex Offender Registry and Notification Act (SORNA).
SORNA violates our nation’s founding documents by singling out a specific category of offenders for unfair, unconstitutional punishment. While the Department of Justice cites public safety as its rationale for continuing to enforce the overreaching requirements of SORNA, the program has metastasized, defacing some of our most treasured rights: the right to due process, the right to be free from double jeopardy and the right to avoid cruel and unusual punishment.
And then share PLEASE your comments on the site. There are A LOT of ignorant commenters on there who need to be educated.
The State has insured I’m alone, abandon and hopeless
Yes, another great article..I always try to reach the journalist to thank them for their time and research.
Just so they know how I appreciate the article.
we appreciate that, Nancy!
LOL i am laughing because there are articles,plays, and so many other things saying that all of what we go through is horrible, unconstitutional and blatantly against the law yet everyday there are more and more bills/laws passed to harm us further. i will take one law over a thousand articles favoring us just once.
This is a completely accurate account but offers little solution. Politicians won’t give us relief. New Bills must happen to reform Megan’s Law which is what initiated the Registry. Supreme Court Judges don’t want to be known as the Judge that abolished the Registry and then the 1st violent predatory crime happens against a child and here come the Laws again. The utmost damage is done. The only hope is to rise up ourselves as citizens and tell the world our struggles. When society deems you a monster for life then what do we really have to lose? In my 23 years of Registration, not a single Law in my State has given me any relief and I don’t even have a Felony Record. JEV
Absolutely awesome!!