Federal Judge gives Rick Scott 30 days to fix Florida’s voting rights restoration Process

In an order issued today by Federal Judge Mark Walker, the State has until April 26, 2018 to replace its current process for restoring felon voting rights.

Judge Walker’s order requires the governor and his cabinet to establish “specific and neutral criteria to direct vote-restoration decisions,” and “meaningful, specific and expeditious time constraints” for the voting rights restoration process.

Let’s see what he comes up with.

12 thoughts on “Federal Judge gives Rick Scott 30 days to fix Florida’s voting rights restoration Process

  • April 5, 2018

    Just Seen on the news this morning that the great shame state of Florida is appealing

  • March 28, 2018

    It should be interesting to see what he considers fair for RSO’s.

  • March 28, 2018

    I think the REAL reason that Scott is fighting this, is he knows most ex felons will vote Democrat. He manipulating the system. I only hope the younger generation will be a lot smarter then the old rich people…time will tell.

    • March 29, 2018

      I beg to differ…I would have voted for Trump…and still would if given the opportunity. He has done more for our union of states in just over a year than all so-called presidents combined…and there is still much work to do.

      • March 29, 2018

        Please I beg you – do not go there. The only politics we should discuss here are the ones that affect RSOs – there are some people that think Mr Trump is great but there are many that think he is the worst. I get enough of that crap on FB.

    • April 6, 2018

      If I were allowed to vote I’d vote libertarian. The two major parties have joined hands in plunging the nation into perpetual debt, discord, and infighting and have caused far more problems than they have solved.

  • March 28, 2018

    I saw a news story about this but it was confusing to me – originally I thought the judge said all or none…but the story I saw yesterday said that FL was going to draft restoration rules that only included certain felons…?
    It highlighted that the change was going to be in the method of restoration only.


    This says voters will decide whether non-violent felons can be restored? I believe FL considers AL RSOs violent offenders regardless of crime? Very confusing

    • March 28, 2018


      Two separate issues. The amendment on November’s ballot: https://ballotpedia.org/Florida_Amendment_4,_Voting_Rights_Restoration_for_Felons_Initiative_(2018)

      “A ‘yes’ vote supports this amendment to automatically restore the right to vote for people with prior felony convictions, except those convicted of murder or a felony sexual offense, upon completion of their sentences, including prison, parole, and probation.”

      Since 99% of all sex offenses in Florida are felonies, we can stop reading here. Even for non-murderers, they still must wait until off probation.

      The main issue of the article is the result of a lawsuit. Note what Reich Stadt says, “We will review the court’s ruling. Officials elected by Floridians, not judges, have the authority to determine Florida’s clemency process for convicted felons. This is outlined in Florida’s Constitution and has been in place for more than a century and under multiple gubernatorial administrations.”

      I love the way he cites the constitution to his advantage, but ignores the grossly unconstitutional “sex offender” laws that he continues to sign every year. His duplicity and arrogance are appalling.

      In any case, I doubt “the good people” of Floriduh will vote yes on 4. This is the same illiterate electorate who failed to approve a medical marijuana amendment in 2014.


    • March 29, 2018

      Karen, herein lies the conflict with the following statement by Rick Scott’s office:

      “We will review the court’s ruling. Officials elected by Floridians, not judges, have the authority to determine Florida’s clemency process for convicted felons. This is outlined in Florida’s Constitution and has been in place for more than a century and under multiple gubernatorial administrations.”

      That statement would only be true IF the legal fiction State of Florida did not receive a dime from the Federal coffers! However, the king (feds) does not give anything to the serfs (states) without expecting tribute in return. The line between State and Federal has been muddied and blurred beyond recognition. Consider that a Natonional registry was conceived as far back as June 1996 by sexual predator, Bill Clinton, and, as is still applicable today, states MUST comply with the Fed’s mandates in order to receive federal dollars (read: taxes we pay in for our own enslavement):


      Because Florida feeds at the federal trough, via receiving Byrne Grant funds for RSO purposes, it is my humble opinion that ANY RSO issue can be moved from the state courts to the Federal courts if need be, and where RSO’s might receive a more favorable ally in this fight. Therefore, if Rick Scott (who has his own stained past: Google ‘rick scott corrupt’) wishes to make such statements, then Florida must immediately return all Federal funds to the District of Criminals (a/k/a D.C.) and cease and desist accepting any more. Until then, him and the rest of the state “officials” he references must continue to bow to the king.

    • March 29, 2018

      I would also add that Rick Scott and his bimbo, partying AG, Pam Bondi, were attempting to stall until the November ballot knowing ill-informed Floridians would make the decision for them and they could then let themselves off the hook for not doing the right thing. “Hey, the people spoke…what were we to do?”

      Lastly, I would encourage everyone to research the difference between the terms “democracy” and “republic”…the use of ‘democracy’ over the decades to describe our fifty united states was intentional but the sheople never figured it out.

  • March 28, 2018

    Whoa, wait a minute! How can a federal judge give Dick Scott an order to follow?? Doesn’t everyone know that Dick Rott does whatever the F**k he wants??? Im tired of his mistreatment of SOs… Lets see what he does now!!!

  • March 27, 2018

    I can only pray, that something good comes of this.


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