FAC Letter to Nextdoor.com

Unlike some social media platforms that prevent someone on the registry from creating an account, Nextdoor.com prevents anyone in the same household as a sex offender from creating an account. That includes, spouses, children, roommates and anyone else who happens to share the same address as a registrant.

In response to inquiries from members, Nextdoor claims that this policy is a condition of the public entities (law enforcement, municipalities, etc.) that they partner with.

FAC sent the following letter to Nextdoor.com, inviting them to reconsider their policy in light of the recent Packingham decision.

Letter To NextDoor 04122018

149 thoughts on “FAC Letter to Nextdoor.com

  • March 9, 2021

    I previously told Nextdoor to take their program and place it where the sun don’t shine. I would not waste my time with that useless organization.


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