REPORT: Deputy Peterson Accused Of ‘Covering Up’ Alleged Sexual Assault By Broward Sheriff’s Son

A local Miami news station released an explosive report on Thursday night about a “disturbing assault” that happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School four years to the day before the tragic shooting in February. The alleged incident involved one of the sons of Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel and was allegedly “covered up” by Officer Scot Peterson, the resource officer who infamously failed to confront the Parkland shooter.

WPLG Local 10 investigative reporter Bob Norman reported Thursday that two 17-year-old students at the school allegedly bullied a 14-year-old freshman boy, with one of the 17-year-olds holding down the student while the other 17-year-old kicked the victim, grabbed his genitals, and then grabbed the victim’s own baseball bat and began shoving it against his buttocks “simulating rape” through the boy’s clothes.


35 thoughts on “REPORT: Deputy Peterson Accused Of ‘Covering Up’ Alleged Sexual Assault By Broward Sheriff’s Son

  • August 2, 2018

    Sooo what has become of this? Any new updates?

    • August 3, 2018

      He is still under investigation. Let’s see what we can dig up…

    • August 3, 2018

      We already seem to have too many politically connected bureaucrats and their relatives in this country who are exempt from the laws that us ‘peons’ are subject to. ‘Delay’ seems to be the tactic of choice. Listening to last night’s member call I was appalled to hear of a law…I believe in Illinois…that had been found to be unconstitutional by a judge yet had not been acted on by lawmakers…delaying tactic. If you or I had been ordered by the court to do something and then failed to do it, we would be ‘making little rocks out of big rocks’. It will be interesting to find out what is happening in the case of the sheriff’s son.

    • August 3, 2018

      This topic, like many others, which involve high profile people (even sons, daughters) will get buried.
      Remember, this is an election year.
      Do we want the good Sheriffs name tarnished? Even tho he is taking illegal contributions from prison systems, holding hands with Ron Book under the table.
      Covering up the incompetence of the Sheriffs duties of Marjory Douglas… Remember that?? That was when a deputy cowered in a stairway and let some kid MURDER 17 kids and did nothing. OH YEA, when they held that “publicity stunt of a Town Hall” the kids backed some big wig into a corner and asked him if he would return ALL campaign contributions given to him by the NRA??? And the wimp never answered. Never gave back the $$$.

      The country we studied
      We the People, For the people, by the people.

      Has turned into
      For the rich, by the rich and whomever can BUY the most votes.

      (and we still vote for these schlubs)

  • May 28, 2018

    I understand where you are coming from, if the boys did the crime they should be punished the same as any other person. The fact that one of the boys is the son of a sheriff should not matter, in our nation all persons are supposed to be treated equally. And if they are guilty they should have the same life-altering punishment. It is unfair to have a different set of laws for the privileged. The sheriff should also face charges for covering up a crime, where is Florida’s outrage over it? And if all are convicted Ron Book’s statements would come into play.

    • May 28, 2018

      If we commit a crime we should have to pay the price called for by law, but then when the price is paid we should receive a ‘paid in full’ on our record and be permitted to move on with life. Constantly adding to the debt long after it is paid is not right. Such a policy is detrimental to society and for those without a basic fiber in their life to do right only leads to further wrong deeds. I am a firm believer that most RSO’s are good people but with something in their lives that lead to a failure in character…not necessarily a permanent failure. Our government should work on rebuilding good character and not promote policies that only encourage further deterioration.

  • May 27, 2018

    Guys, I think we are forgetting the true purpose here. From reading a lot of replies there is a lot of hate. Even if the kid was a cop/politicians son/daughter or any other relative. I would not want to wish this registry on anyone. If the kid gets away the laws are broken; we know this. However, unjust life is or painful for being on the registry. The whole purpose is to abolish it!! When we stoop down and want those to suffer like us this is not Justice it is hate. We become our own worst enemies. Then those who come here on this site see the hate then became to wonder where is the line drawn in the sand? Yes! I am on the registry myself.

    • May 28, 2018

      I think the concept is that until someone’s family member is impacted by the laws, politicians and law enforcement won’t be sympathetic to how punitive and irrational the laws are.

      • August 3, 2018

        Like I have said before the RICH/powerful/ lawmakers/sheriffs kids would have high priced attorneys to take a:
        Aggravated Sexual Battery with a Weapon, Rape and Sexual Assault

        And have it plead out to Misdemeanor Battery; no jail time, no registry, nothing.

        • August 3, 2018

          Right now he hasn’t even been charged with anything.

    • May 28, 2018

      Good point… but shouldn’t the people that are in charge of enforcing these laws be held to the absolute highest standard? A few months ago a Seminole county teacher was arrested for not reporting an instance of sexual misconduct ( should be noted that the accused teacher was not) and here you have an instance of a cop covering it up and nothing will probably come of it.

    • May 29, 2018

      I’m not sure it’s about hate. But is a reaction to those who bully people on the registry. A feeling, opinion, that those who have kicked registered citizens around are not immune.

  • May 26, 2018

    Our dear Coward County Sheriff is the father of a SEXUAL PREDATOR?? For what he did, its FSS 721. (Predator)

    (oh Im cooking up the popcorn–buttered of course) and wait and see how the “friendship” with Mr Ron Book and the dear Sheriff go SOUTH.
    How can Mr Book stay “connected” with the good Sheriff as his son is now [in Mr Books words] –“a predator–a monster who should spend the rest of his life in jail”????
    This is gonna be good ! !

    • May 27, 2018

      Not sure where you got that from. Our understanding is that he has not even been charged with anything, let alone convicted or designated a predator. If you have information that we are unaware of, please share it.

      • May 27, 2018

        What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I just refer to the two interviews (and other statements) that Ron Book has made over the years.
        So, just because it is the “sheriffs son” he gets a free pass? Just like every other politician’s/sheriffs son, daughter, family member…. They get “special treatment”. If one of us did that, my dear Lord, we would be drawn, quartered and hung.
        Yet, this is the “sheriffs son”; we cant do that. We cant equally distribute the law to fit the punishment. We will cover this up– then we will go “after the bad man” who is homeless, living in a puddle.
        The son engaged in a sexual re-creation of anal rape. The kid is a rapist, according to Ron Books assertment.

        • May 27, 2018

          No. I think you are misunderstanding what we are telling you.

          He should be investigated and, if he committed the offenses he is accused of, charged and prosecuted. If convicted, he should be placed on the registry, the same as he would be if he were not Sheriff Isreal’s son.

          You wrote that he is a predator (citing FSS 721). Firstly, until someone is convicted and designated, you cannot say that. Everyone is entitled to due process of the law and that’s one of the things we are fighting against. Secondly, because Ron Book says something it does not make it true and that’s another of the things we are fighting.

          Thirdly, the Florida Sexual Predator statute is 775.21. The Florida Statute you cite governs real estate.

          We want our website to be a valuable resource. A place where people can come to learn about issues impacting registrants and to exchange information. We need to make sure the information we share (or allow to be posted) is accurate.

          • May 27, 2018

            Are you saying that this is NOT a cover-up by both Peterson and the Sheriff? (sorry about the Statute mistake)
            We have a victim, we have a perpetrator, we have a crime, we have a cover-up that involves a shady, cowardly deputy and a crooked sheriff.
            (Never mind 17 kids that are dead)
            We have a sheriff and a lobbyist who are in bed together, as you can see they are holding “private meetings” and God knows what else to pervert our system. What I am trying to say is::: Can you see the cover-up here?
            Whether you are on the list or not, this is a blatant cover-up as you can get.

      • May 27, 2018

        Touching the clothed genitals of a 14 year is a crime, isn’t it? Not to mention battery

        • May 28, 2018

          Sexual battery on a child

  • May 25, 2018

    Scott Peterson should be charged with the offense of covering up this crime, and the sheriff’s son, and the other boy , should also be charged. They should face the same sentence that anyone else on the street would serve. Only when the ridiculous laws that govern the SO’s affect those in power, will they see how ridiculous, and inhuman they are. No second chances for the boys, just like there are no second chances for the SO’s.

    • May 25, 2018

      All I can say is AMEN!

    • May 26, 2018

      Even if guilty I wouldn’t wish this fate on anyone. Do his sentence and be done. Regardless of how reprehensible his father is, I don’t wish a lifetime of registry on that young man.


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