49 thoughts on “Transcript of Oral Argument in Gundy

  • October 6, 2018

    A true constitutionalist, as Kavanaugh claims to be, has no choice but to call out SORNA for the fraud that it is. Ex post facto is illegal, plain and simple, there are no exceptions. Now that he has been confirmed, let’s hope he truly will support and defend the constitution!

    • October 7, 2018

      Agree. So why have judges upheld ex post facto punishments? By allowing themselves to be persuaded that they are not intended as punishments but as “a non-punitive civil administrative regulatory regime” aimed at public safety!

      Thank goodness some state supreme courts (and at least one Federal circuit?) have been looking at this again more recently. It is not the issue at hand in this case, Gundy. But I hope that FAC’s own ex post facto lawsuit will help clear up this issue in Florida.

      • October 7, 2018

        Associate Justice Kavanaugh should certainly understand the notion of “Public Shaming” as being a mode of punishment? Perhaps he understands how innocent children, spouses are hurt by “Public Shaming?” Let us all hope he rules accordingly should an ex post facto case beyond the scope of Gundy come before the SCOTUS.

    • October 8, 2018

      you are welcome.

      • October 8, 2018

        Thank you

  • October 4, 2018

    A great video by Judge Andrew Napolitano:


    The Constitution represented a coup from the beginning, and it’s a dead letter today. The Declaration of Independence, however, is a truly radical libertarian document still worthy of consideration. Judge Andrew Napolitiano, our Distinguished Scholar in Law and Jurisprudence, recently gave a rousing talk at Mises University on the Declaration’s natural law tradition–and how federal courts relentlessly and successfully attacked the principles it represented. This is Judge Nap at his scorching best, and you won’t want to miss his comments on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

    #JudgeAndrewNapolitano #DeclarationOfIndependence #Constitution #BrettKavanaugh #law #federal #courts #SupremeCourt

  • October 3, 2018

    If this passes where pre-sorna individuals no longer fall under this law then how does that affect those people in a real world everyday situation? My offense was back in 1998 and I have completed my sentence including any probation/parole 12 years ago. If I move to a different state like Massachusetts which is where I’m originally from that hasn’t implemented sorna yet and eventually I was taken off Massachusett’s registry after X number of years then I wouldn’t be on a registry in Mass or the federal level? I would have to petition to be removed from Florida’s registry if I no longer live here especially after a certain amount of time passes? I know being removed from Florida’s registry is near impossible but maybe eventually there would be a law that if you don’t live here any longer and have not returned in so many years then removal may be possible.

    • October 3, 2018

      If we raise enough funds for the Out of State Challenge, then that may eventually make your situation and choices more simple, regardless of the outcome in Gundy. I have been donating to it on a semi-regular basis.

      • October 4, 2018

        Good luck with that trying to reach that goal I had sent money myself I had also reached out to other states only one state called me back on phone which was Arkansas The lady told me she was going to send Gail an email. I ASKED FOR HELP in trying to find other states that Advocates for Sex Offenders. But it seem “it is every man for themselves” I know they are out there reading this I contacted four states already by email and only three replied back. I wanna help as much as I can but I have other problems as well like Glaucoma it prevents me from sitting here to do any extended research on internet for a long period of time Once again If I had help looking for these other places I be willing to call and send emails like I done for the last four states,

    • October 3, 2018

      Mine was a federal case all probation no special circumstances. Would this case affect me any different here in floridA as it was a federal case? Was level 0 then Level 1 in nyc. not published until i made the mistake of coming here. Was taken in on a failure to register but the case was dropped by state: they filed a no information so technically there was no case.

      • October 3, 2018

        1996 was date of offense 1999 was date of resolution.

    • October 6, 2018

      I have a 1983 offense Date in fl. completed a 1999 plea and was later ,not a part of the plea required to register. my parents are getting older, my children, and grandchildren are getting older. Now we cannot travel, we’re on house arrest basically. It’s never going to be better. Our lives have become a political vote getter. The more retroactive punishment they apply the more votes. We are screwed. Say goodbye to your family now, because there ultimate goal is to put everyone in jail

  • October 3, 2018

    @ Herman Gundy and his Attorney A BIG THANK YOU!!!! For Taking this $hit to court. Thank you !!!!!!! 1 million times from my heart!!


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